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Meet the Yankees fan who uses baseball to call cricket's T20 World Cup

Meet the Yankees fan who uses baseball to call cricket's T20 World Cup


It's usually quite easy to interview a commentator. A journalist sends them a WhatsApp message asking if they have time for a chat and they say yes, no or ignore you completely. With OBrien it was different. A sign of his status and the size of the media market in the United States is that this interview is being arranged through his PA and it takes a few tries and weeks to get hold of him because he is so busy transitioning from cricket to creating his baseball career. contents. His website even has its own merchandise store. Ponting has yet to sell his own brand T-shirts.

O'Brien is an accomplished lip reader, something he learned as a child, and his media career began in 2019 when he added closed captions to an argument between a baseball coach and an umpire. He built on that when he played a role in helping expose a baseball scandal when the Houston Astros used cameras to steal opposing players' signs, but he describes himself as not a reporter. A Yankees fan.

He only fell for cricket in 2021 when his son was born and he was on paternity leave and due to Covid there was little live sport other than the T20 World Cup in the UAE. He spent two years in Australia between the ages of eight and ten, so there was latent knowledge. We played every break and I knew just enough about stumps, can't bend your arm and you're running back and forth. It was enough to make me curious as I got older.

I enjoyed getting into the weeds of an all-weeds sport

He asked his Twitter audience to teach me how to be a fan, not teach me the sport of cricket. I wanted to know where I should be emotionally when rooting for this team, and my audience was very supportive.

He was not interested enough in the deep complexities of cricket that would come later to appreciate the game. I enjoyed learning something new and getting into the weeds of a sport that is really just weeds.

There has been a remarkable rise in three years from watching cricket on his laptop to sitting in the commentary box during a World Cup commentating on India vs Pakistan in New York. The first game started and my first stint was with Nasser and Bish and I thought, I shouldn't talk, you guys are talking. So it's been scary and nerve-wracking, but I've been very grateful. They were very encouraging to just be who I am, notice things and ask questions.

It's very easy for them to draw me in by asking if baseball has an equivalent. I know some people are tired of the constant baseball talk, but it's an easy way for them to engage me to explain some of the differences and similarities between the sports. But I'd like for it to not just be comparisons to baseball.

He says that, but it is of course mandatory to ask about the similarities and differences. There are so many variables. Conditions play a much bigger role in cricket. In baseball, the boundaries will change at each stadium, but each stadium will remain the same, while in cricket, if the field is two strips across from the square, this can make a big difference to the size of the boundaries.

Obviously we don't have the ball changing condition over the course of an innings and the variable that creates, nor the pitch or surface. I wonder if we have sun versus cloud, dew on the grass, problems? Pitchers wave it in the air to get more movement on the ball on a cloudy day, but that's not part of the rhetoric or thought process in baseball. It must be true or something like that, but it's just nothing.




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