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Euro 2024: Can Bellingham and Kane lead England to a major football title? | UEFA Euro 2024 news

Euro 2024: Can Bellingham and Kane lead England to a major football title?  |  UEFA Euro 2024 news


England Key Euro Statistics

Euro appearances: 10
Euro titles: 0
Best Finish: Final (2020)
Euro record: W15 D13 L10
Goals scored: 51
Biggest victory: 4-0 against Ukraine (Euro 2020)
Player to watch: Phil Voet
World ranking: 4th
Team nickname: The three lions Group luminaires:

  • June 16: Serbia vs England (Arena AufSchalke, Gelsenkirchen, 9pm local/7pm GMT)
  • June 20: Denmark vs England (Frankfurt Arena, Frankfurt, 6pm local/4pm GMT)
  • 25 June: England vs Slovenia (Cologne Stadium, Cologne, 9pm local/7pm GMT)

Here's how you can follow our coverage of Euro 2024: UEFA Euro 2024 on Al Jazeera

There is an inescapable irony in the predicament Gareth Southgate finds himself in heading into Euro 2024, which begins with England's opening match against Serbia on June 16 in Gelsenkirchen.

Since taking charge of England in 2016, the 53-year-old has worked diligently to transform the team's sporting culture. Club loyalty is no longer a fault line, the crunch pressure that came with donning the jersey has been transformed into a privilege, and incongruity has been replaced by identity.

Far from the individualism that characterized England's Golden Generation era, Southgate's format is built around the collective.

But the circle is now complete. He has successfully broken into the English star culture, but is subsequently thrust into the spotlight.

Southgate's legacy is the dominant narrative for England on its way to the Euros. The tournament is a referendum on his almost eight-year reign, with a majority of the English public prepared to consider it a failure if they do not bring back the winners' trophy from Germany.

Football manager is sitting at media conference.
England manager Gareth Southgate tries to steer the national team to its first major tournament victory since the 1966 World Cup [Carl Recine/Reuters]

It's now or never for England

In many ways, Southgates has been a victim of his own success: he led England to an unlikely World Cup semi-final in 2018; lost the final of the previous European Championship in 2021 on penalties; and was one Harry Kane penalty away from potentially eliminating reigning champions France from the 2022 World Cup.

The Three Lions were 13th in the FIFA world rankings when he took over in 2016. Today they are fourth. They have not disappeared from the top five since the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

England's consistency over the past six years has become so common it is almost taken for granted. It is easy to forget that before Southgate took over, England's last semi-final appearance in a major tournament came way back at the 1996 European Championship.

Ultimately, international football is a zero-sum game where success is weighed in silverware and the European Championship feels like a now or never proposition for Southgate's England.

It is a proposal reflected in a bold selection of selections characterized by unusual risk. Midfielder Kobbie Mainoo, who has been a revelation for Manchester United this season, has been picked despite only making his England debut in March.

Jordan Henderson, Raheem Sterling, Marcus Rashford and Kalvin Phillips, who have all been key pillars of Southgate's teams, have not been picked.

Beyond the sting of the expectations raised, Southgate is hurt by the elusive measure of potential. With the attacking talent at his disposal, there is a feeling among fans that Southgate's unwillingness to throw off the shackles has hampered the team's progress.

What to do with Foden?

Southgate's judgment will be tested again in his choice of starting XI, especially when it comes to the role of rising star Phil Foden.

The Manchester City forward is flourishing in the central midfield role he has been deployed in by his manager Pep Guardiola this season. Foden's 19 goals from that position led City's to a fourth consecutive league title and saw him named English Premier League Player of the Season.

However, Southgate was reluctant to play Foden through the middle and tended to pair Declan Rice with another defensive midfielder. Given the recent injury problems of Kieran Trippier and Luke Shaw, who have both been picked despite having played just four league games since the start of March, it seems unlikely that will change.

Football player hits the ball during warm-up.
If used correctly, rising star Phil Foden could be a difference maker for England at Euro 2024 [Carl Recine/Reuters]

On paper, England have one of the best teams in the tournament.

In addition to Foden, the England attack includes Real Madrid midfield sensation Jude Bellingham and Bundesliga top scorer Harry Kane. Cole Palmer, Ollie Watkins and Rice were all shortlisted for Premier League Player of the Season, with Palmer's 22 EPL goals ranking second behind Erling Haaland in the race for the Golden Boot.

The Three Lions remained unbeaten in their Euro 2024 qualifying campaign, losing just one friendly against Brazil in the 12 games they have played since the 2022 Qatar World Cup.

At the European Championship they will be included in a group that does not have any side in the Top 20 in the world, unlocking a high statistical probability that they will progress to the knockout stages of the tournament.

It's easy to understand why England go into Euro 2024 as one of the favorites. The question remains whether their performances will match their star billing.

England's final squad for Euro 2024

Captain: Harry Kane

Goalkeepers: Dean Henderson (Crystal Palace), Jordan Pickford (Everton), Aaron Ramsdale (Arsenal)

Defenders: Lewis Dunk (Brighton & Hove Albion), Joe Gomez (Liverpool), Marc Guehi (Crystal Palace), Ezri Konsa (Aston Villa), Luke Shaw (Manchester United), John Stones (Manchester City), Kieran Trippier (Newcastle United), Kyle Walker (Manchester City)

Midfielders: Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid), Conor Gallagher (Chelsea), Kobbie Mainoo (Manchester United), Declan Rice (Arsenal), Adam Wharton (Crystal Palace)

Forward: Jarrod Bowen (West Ham United), Eberechi Eze (Crystal Palace), Phil Foden (Manchester City), Anthony Gordon (Newcastle United), Harry Kane (Bayern Munich), Cole Palmer (Chelsea), Bukayo Saka (Arsenal), Ivan Toney (Brentford), Ollie Watkins (Aston Villa)

You can follow the action on Al Jazeera's dedicated Euro 2024 tournament page with all the match builds and live text commentary, and stay up to date with the group standings and real-time match results and fixtures.




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