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Dark side of fandom: Extreme fan culture threatens Chinese sports

Dark side of fandom: Extreme fan culture threatens Chinese sports


China's Ma Long (left) and Lin Gaoyuan (right) play against compatriots Wang Chuqin (second from left) and Fan Zhendong in the men's doubles final of the World Table Tennis Singapore Smash 2024 in Singapore, on March 16, 2024. Photo: VCG

China's Ma Long (left) and Lin Gaoyuan (right) play against compatriots Wang Chuqin (second from left) and Fan Zhendong in the men's doubles final of the World Table Tennis Singapore Smash 2024 in Singapore, on March 16, 2024. Photo: VCG

As China's sports industry continues to flourish, more and more sports and athletes are gaining significant attention and admiration. However, a disturbing phenomenon has emerged: fan culture, a subculture born from the entertainment industry and driven by the idol economy, has begun to invade the sports domain, leading to irrational and disruptive behavior.

Recently, domestic media have expressed concern over the issue as the Paris Olympics are only 40 days away. The General Administration of Sports of China (GAS) also expressed its strong stance against the encroachment of distorted fan culture in sports in May, highlighting the harmful effects of this culture on the mental and physical well-being of athletes, the performance of the national team, and the sustainable development of the sport.

The message is clear: sport should not become a breeding ground for the unhealthy aspects of fan culture.

The disruptive behavior associated with fan culture is becoming increasingly common. From online fan wars and commentary manipulation to offline star chasing and aggressive confrontations, the extreme actions of some fans have serious consequences for athletes' training, competitions and daily lives.

A recent incident at the World Table Tennis Championships (WTT) in Chongqing earlier in June highlighted this issue. Fans disrupted games with banners and chants, postponed services and became involved in conflicts over the use of camera flashes. This type of disruption is especially common in table tennis, where conflict between fans often escalates both inside and outside the arenas.

The polarization within fan communities is great. It has left some devoted table tennis fans feeling alienated by the strict requirements to join fan groups, which often demand unwavering loyalty to a single athlete, a path that widens the divide between different fan groups and exacerbates tensions.

Some veteran sports enthusiasts, such as Zhang Wei, now prefer to distinguish themselves as sports enthusiasts rather than so-called fans, highlighting the contrast between true sports supporters and avid followers who focus more on the athletes' personal lives than their athletic skills.

He said he once wanted to join a fan club to learn more about his favorite athlete, but being urged to prove his unalloyed loyalty to the athlete left him feeling ill.

It is extremely uncomfortable to do such a thing even though I am actually following the athlete, Zhang told the Global Times, which asked that the athlete's name not be mentioned.
I think such fan organizations only sideline the wider support of the national team.

Sports professionals also criticize this distorted love for its negative impact on the spirit of sports.

A Beijing-based sports industry insider who asked not to be named said true fans should support the entire team rather than indulge in divisive and obsessive behavior.

The intense focus on individual athletes often leads to online and offline conflict, which detracts from collective pride in national achievements, he said.

The toxic environment created by extreme fans is not limited to table tennis, but extends to other sports such as diving, swimming, volleyball and short track speed skating.

Lin Xiaojun, a four-time world short track champion since representing China in 2021, expressed his concerns about the invasion of privacy by fans in an interview with Titan Sports newspaper last week.

Athletes are increasingly at the mercy of fan groups, which can disrupt their professional relationships and mental health.

Finding a balance between passionate support and rational fandom is crucial. Fans should celebrate athletes' achievements without succumbing to divisive and aggressive behavior. After all, the essence of sport lies in unity, respect and fair play, and not in the chaotic and often harmful actions driven by a distorted fan culture.

The author is a reporter at the Global Times. [email protected]




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