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Bangladesh vs Nepal LIVE SCORE UPDATES T20 World Cup 2024 BAN vs FAKE LIVE TOSS FULL SCORECARD | News

Bangladesh vs Nepal LIVE SCORE UPDATES T20 World Cup 2024 BAN vs FAKE LIVE TOSS FULL SCORECARD |  News


In Match 37 of the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup, Bangladesh will look to seal their Group D Super 8 berth when they take on Nepal at the Arnos Vale Ground, Kingstown, St. Vincent on Monday morning. Nepalese captain Rohit Paudel won the toss and asked Bangla Tigers to bat first.

With four points, Bangladesh are all set to progress in the tournament compared to the last group in the competition, but a vibrant Nepal will pose a strong threat.

Although they are yet to win a match and are out of contention for the next round, Nepal's confidence will be sky high after they almost registered a win against South Africa and they will be keen to fulfill their dream of beating a Test nation. before you unsubscribe.

However, the equation for Bangladesh could change if they lose to Nepal by a big margin and the Netherlands manage to do the same against struggling Sri Lanka, an unlikely scenario, but this tournament has produced a number of surprises.

T20 World Cup 2024: BAN vs NEP Games 11

Bangladesh plays 11: Tanzid Hasan, Najmul Hossain Shanto (c), Litton Das (wk), Shakib Al Hasan, Towhid Hridoy, Mahmudullah, Jaker Ali, Rishad Hossain, Tanzim Hasan Sakib, Taskin Ahmed, Mustafizur Rahman

Nepal plays 11:Kushal Bhurtel, Aasif Sheikh (wk), Rohit Paudel (c), Anil Sah, Dipendra Singh Airee, Kushal Malla, Gulsan Jha, Sompal Kami, Sundeep Jora, Sandeep Lamichhane, Abinash Bohara

How to watch the live broadcast of BAN vs NEP T20 World Cup 2024 match today?

Star Sports will telecast the Bangladesh (BAN) vs Nepal (NEP) T20 World Cup 2024 match live today. The English commentary will be available on Star Sports 1 HD/SD and Star Sports 2 HD/SD. Meanwhile, the live Hindi commentary will be available on Star Sports Hindi HD/SD. The BAN vs NEP live broadcast will be available in other regional languages.

T20 World Cup 2024, BAN vs NEP Live Streaming

BAN vs NEP T20 World Cup 2024 live streaming will be available for free on Disney Plus Hotstar in six languages ​​including Hindi and English.

Check out the live score and match updates of the 2024 Bangladesh vs Nepal T20 World Cup here




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