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Sanad misses out on a semi-final berth

Sanad misses out on a semi-final berth


Table Tennis – BAHRAIN's Rashid Sanad narrowly missed out on a place in the men's singles semi-finals of the table tennis competition at the 2024 BRICS Games, currently being held in Kazan, Russia.

Sanad is part of the kingdom's representative team at the international multi-sport event. Competing in the colors of the Al Khaldiya Club, the Bahrainis are among 5,000 athletes from more than 90 countries competing for medals in 27 sports.

Sanad came agonizingly close to securing a place in the last four, but lost his quarter-final against Iran's Mahdi Madankan 2-3 (11-7, 2-11, 11-13, 11-4, 7-11). He had earlier booked his place in the last eight with a come-from-behind 3-2 (9-11, 11-6, 11-5, 8-11, 11-5) win over Armenia's Avet Vasilyan.

Along with Sanad, Khaldiya ensured four other paddlers reached the round of 16 of their respective competitions after strong performances in their qualifying groups. Mohammed Abbas, Sayed Murtadha Husain, Maryam Al A'ali and Amruta Amit Phadke each put up a brave fight, but could not advance.

Abbas bowed to Vladimir Sidorenko of Russia 0-3 (9-11, 2-11, 6-11), while Husain lost to Maksim Grebnev, also of Russia, 0-3 (8-11, 14-16 , 0-11). ) in men's singles. In the women's race, Al A'ali lost 0-3 (5-11, 11-13, 6-11) to Yutong Yan of China, while Phadke narrowly lost to Ulyana Miashchanskaya of Belarus 2-3 (9-11 , 7-11). 11, 11-4, 11-6, 7-11).

Khaldiya's other athletes at the BRICS Games compete in the karate, chess and fencing competitions. In karate, Ali Abdulrahman Abdulrahim defeated Daniel Scherbina of Abkhazia, but then lost to Vinicius Rezende Figueira of Brazil in the men's 67kg category. Compatriot Khalifa Mohammad, who competed in the same class, lost to Ahmad Fahad of the UAE.

In the men's 84 kilo division, Khaled Hamad Almohammad lost to Uzbek Shukhratjon Namozov, while compatriot Youssef Ahmed lost in the men's over 84 kilo division. They both made their debut in international competition.

The kingdom's chess players at the BRICS Games are Maher Ayyad and Najla Ahmed; as a team of eight takes to the fencing arena, including Sumaya Khaled Albuainain, Yusuf Salman, Hamad Khalifa Alatawi, Ali Hani Alamiri, Layla Fardeen Hasan, Sumaiya Mohamed Buhazza, Abdulkarim Isa Saad and Noor Feras Aljowder.

The chess matches start tomorrow, while the fencing action starts on Wednesday.




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