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Loons can't get going in Seattle Loss

Loons can't get going in Seattle Loss


Sometimes it's just not your night. With a thin squad and a tough environment greeting them in Seattle, Minnesota United lost 2-0 to the Sounders in a stop-start match best left in the past. The Loons failed to get anything substantial going in this one, and while the hosts weren't great either, they were good enough to take the lead in the end.

The match stopped as soon as it started as a collision between Devin Padelford and Alex Roldan just 10 seconds later forced both players off the pitch with head injuries. Jordan Adebayo-Smith came on for the injured Padelford, shifted the Loons 5-3-2 formation to a 5-2-3 and pushed Sang Bin Jeong to RWB, instead of the striker partnership he was due to star in with Bongokuhle Hlongwane.

The early stoppage seemed to take both sides off their game, and no real consistency crept into the match until the 10th minute. Seattle settled down first and started playing long balls over the top, but Michael Boxall and the back line stood tall. Some sporadic connections between Sang Bin and Bongi showed flashes of promise, while Franco Fragapane's sticky feet gave Loons fans a reason to at least have a little hope in an otherwise lackluster first 45 minutes.

Seattle's quality was on display in the 28th minute when Albert Rusnk's precise free kick found Jordan Morris in the penalty area for a clean header. The goal seemed to spark a little more urgency from the hosts, and with a festive atmosphere behind them thanks to their 50th anniversary recognition, they grew more and more into the game. Schmetzer's men piled on the pressure and despite being marginally better than the visitors, they eventually got the lead they needed to take control of the match.

In the second half, things went from bad to worse for the visiting Loons. Morris Duggan came on for an injured Michael Boxall at half-time, and despite a close call just 19 seconds into the break, the Black and Blue saw a period of around 15 minutes of improved play. The chances for Caden Clark and Bongokuhle Hlongwane were close without any cigar and decent combinations from Fragapane and Robin Lod ultimately disappointed.

In the 57th minute, Paul Rothrock doubled the lead when he cleared Lo Ch's cross over the top of the six. They say goals change games, and that was certainly the case tonight. A deflated Loons side showed clear frustration in the final half hour, creating a disjointed press and generally not making life difficult enough for Seattle.

Additional substitutes didn't have much of an impact for the Loons, and a reckless challenge from Moses Nyeman in the final moments of the game summed up what was an overall disappointing, frustrating road game for the Loons.

A more aggressive press may have helped alleviate the Loons' woes that night, but with tired legs and many impact players missing, a Seattle loss is no reason to get too deep into trouble. Coach Ramsay and the squad must now turn their attention to their midweek match against FC Dallas, their second match against Los Toros in as many weeks. Tune into the MLS Season Pass for free on Wednesday, June 19 to watch the next match.




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