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Saurabh Netravalkar, technician by day, cricketer by night: Hero of Team US, from Mumbai | Cricket news

Saurabh Netravalkar, technician by day, cricketer by night: Hero of Team US, from Mumbai |  Cricket news


When the United States unexpectedly reached the Super Eight stage of the T20 cricket World Cup, Saurabh Netravalkar informed his manager at software giant Oracle that he would not return to work for another week.

As important as he is to Oracle, where he manages corporate databases and even has a patent for a search innovation, Netravalkar is indispensable to Team USA as it co-hosts its first major international cricket tournament.

The Mumbai-born left-arm seamer was one of the standout players in the US line-up who got the better of Pakistan by bowling the decisive Super Over and gave India a run for their money with the wickets of Virat Kohli and Rohit. Sharma will secure at least three more matches against the elite sides in the Caribbean.

Saurabh Netravalkar celebrates after taking a wicket during the match against Pakistan. Saurabh Netravalkar celebrates after taking a wicket during the match against Pakistan. (AP)

After we qualified (for the Super Eight), I informed my office that I will be on leave for a while. Now my entire office is watching the match and they have all been very supportive, Netravalkar told The Indian Express.

The technology Netravalkar worked on is called wildcard search. It provides faster search results by automatically guessing or auto-complete the text after the first letters or words are typed.

Festive offer

We store company data and ensure that search engines work quickly, says Netravalkar, adding that he has now applied for another patent.

Luckily there hasn't been an SOS while playing as there have been one or two instances in the past where I've received a call. Otherwise, we have a team that manages everything. And it's World Cup time, so no one bothered me. They all know what I'm doing.

While he revels in his newfound popularity for his exploits on the cricket field, a typical programmer, he cites figures: Instagram followers up 200 percent, memes up 80 percent. There is also admiration for the way he has balanced the two facets of his life. and excelled at both.

Every project has a deadline, so there is pressure. There have been occasions when I have worked at night. I know my cricket schedule so I plan accordingly with my manager. I finished work before going to the US for the World Cup, the tech says.

Saurabh Netralvakar of the United States reacts after bowling a delivery during the ICC Men's T20 World Cup cricket match between the United States and India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in Westbury, New York Saurabh Netralvakar of the United States reacts after bowling a delivery during the ICC Men's T20 World Cup cricket match between the United States and India at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in Westbury, New York. (AP)

It's a far cry from his early days, when his cricketing talent and potential earned him a spot in the India U-19 team for the 2010 Age Group World Cup. He remembers his mother or father accompanying him at a busy local population in Mumbai to Churchgate to play in tournaments.

Life has many twists and turns

Brilliant in both studies and cricket, Netravalkar had asked his parents to give him a few years to make a mark in elite cricket, but failing that he would concentrate on his other skills.

When he couldn't make the Mumbai Ranji Trophy squad due to the presence of the likes of Zaheer Khan, Ajit Agarkar, Aavishkar Salvi and Dhawal Kulkarni, Netravalkar realized he had to move on. But even that wasn't easy.

After the Under-19 World Cup, I was offered a job at BPCL, where they asked me to undergo several tests. One of them was for the eyes, where they show different colors on a screen and we have to identify them. They later told me I had color blindness, he says.

Netravalkar then decided to pursue his Masters in the US after being awarded a scholarship in 2016.

But even there the cricket bug did not leave him.

Team India H-1B, H-1B, icc t20 world cup, T20 World Cup 2024, India H1-B, Pakistan, USA, pak-usa, sports news, Indian express news, current affairs Nosthush Kenjige (left) celebrates with Saurabh Netravalkar during the T20 World Cup match against Pakistan. (PTI)

Netravalkar says he makes time to pursue his passion. He uses the world-class gym at his workplace three days a week and sometimes goes to a nearby indoor area for exercise sessions during breaks.

I'm not going to hang out for an evening, I'm going to practice, says the mild-mannered programmer. Club games are played on weekends, so many times I have taken a flight after the office on Friday, flown cities, played and been back in the office on Monday. My work is going well and my company has seen the sincere efforts I have put in. Cricket doesn't get in the way of my work. So the office has been very helpful.

With the US witnessing many expats coming to study or earn a living, Netravalkar hopes that they too, like him, find a balance between their dream and their work.

It would be great if I inspired others to take up the challenge, he says.




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