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Georgia's full 2024 football schedule with game times

Georgia's full 2024 football schedule with game times


The Georgia Bulldogs now know their full schedule for the 2024 college football season. Georgia will have a challenging path to the College Football Playoff, but the Bulldogs will have much more room for error than they did last year in the 12-team playoff era.

We recently learned that the Georgia-UMass game will take place on November 23 at 12:45 PM ET. Georgia will only play in two games before 1:00 PM ET this year. Georgia fans love that fact and will have plenty of opportunities to see the Bulldogs play in primetime.

This fall represents a new era in the SEC and in college football. Texas and Oklahoma debuting in the SEC, former Alabama coach Nick Saban has retired and the SEC's primary broadcaster is now ESPN instead of CBS, so a lot has changed since the 2023 season.

Georgia has five flex games scheduled this season. “The matches varied between the afternoon (3:30-4:30 p.m.) and night periods (6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.),” said the second about what exactly flex games are. Fans will know the scheduled playing time for flex games at least six days in advance. Flex games are not scheduled during the early period (afternoon or 1 p.m.). With this in mind, let's take a look at the latest version of Georgia's 2024 football schedule.

Week 1: Clemson Tigers (neutral)

The Greenville News

Date/Time: August 31 at 12:00 PM ET (airs on ABC)

Location: Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia

Most recent meeting: Georgia 10, Clemson 3 (2021)

Get more Clemson coverage Clemson Wire

Week 2: Tennessee Tech Golden Eagles (home)

Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports

Date/Time: September 7 at 2:00 PM ET (airs on ESPN+)

Location: Sanford Stadium in Athens, Georgia

Most recent meeting: Georgia 38, Tennessee Tech 0 (2009)

Week 3: Kentucky Wildcats (away)

The Courier's Diary

Date/Time: September 14 at 7:30 PM ET (airs on ABC)

Location: Kroger Field in Lexington, Kentucky

Most recent meeting: Georgia 51, Kentucky 13 (2023)

British Wildcats thread

Week 4: Day week

Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports

Georgia gets a week off before the Bulldogs' big Week 5 game at Alabama. The Crimson Tide also have a bye advantage heading into the game against Georgia.

Week 5: Alabama Crimson Tide (away)

Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports

Date/Time: September 28 at 7:30 PM ET (airs on ABC)

Location: Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Most recent meeting: Alabama 27, Georgia 24 (2023 SEC Championship Game)

Week 6: Auburn Tigers (home)

John Reed-USA TODAY Sports

Week 7: Mississippi State Bulldogs (home)

Matt Bush-USA TODAY Sports

Date: October 12 in the flex window

Location: Sanford Stadium in Athens, Georgia

Most recent meeting: Georgia 45, Mississippi State 19 (2022)

Week 8: Texas Longhorns (away)

John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports

Date: October 19 in the flex window

Location: Darrel K Royal Stadium in Austin, Texas

Most recent meeting: Texas 28, Georgia 21 (2019)

Get more Texas news, analysis and opinions Longhorns wire

Week 9: Bye week

Nathan Ray Seebeck-USA TODAY Sports

Georgia has its usual bye week before the Florida game. The Bulldogs and Gators both have bye weeks before facing each other in Jacksonville, Florida.

Week 10: Florida Gators (neutral)

Matt Pendleton/Gainesville Sun

Date/Time: November 2 at 3:30 PM (airs on ABC)

Location: EverBank Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida

Most recent meeting: Georgia 43, Florida 20 (2023)

Get more news, analysis and opinions about Florida Gators thread

Week 11: Ole Miss Rebels (away)

(Photo by Todd Kirkland/Getty Images)

Date: Nov. 9 in the flex window

Location: Vaught-Hemingway Stadium in Oxford, Mississippi

Most recent meeting: Georgia 52, Ole Miss 17 (2023)

Week 12: Tennessee Volunteers (Home)

Jeremy Reper-USA TODAY Sports

Date: Nov. 16 in the flex window

Location: Sanford Stadium in Athens, Georgia

Most recent meeting: Georgia 38, Tennessee 10 (2023)

Get more Tennessee news, analysis and opinions Full thread

Week 13: UMass Minutemen (home)

Sam Navarro-USA TODAY Sports

Date: November 23 at 12:45 PM ET (SEC Network)

Location: Sanford Stadium in Athens, Georgia

Most recent meeting: Georgia 66, UMass 27 (2018)

Week 14: Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets (home)

Ken Ruinard-USA TODAY Sports

Date: November 29 (Black Friday) at 7:30 PM (aired on ABC)

Location: Sanford Stadium in Athens, Georgia

Most recent meeting: Georgia 31, Georgia Tech 23 (2023)

SEC championship game

(Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)

Date: December 7 at 4:00 PM (aired on ABC)

Location: Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia




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