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Activating India: A Blueprint for a Healthier, More Active Country

Activating India: A Blueprint for a Healthier, More Active Country


The Sports and Society Accelerator briefing series addresses the future of 'active frameworks' in India.

A large body of research has shown that greater involvement in sport and physical activity (SAPA) translates into better physical and mental health of individuals, which increases productivity and boosts countries' economic growth. Furthermore, SAPA promotes community cohesion and social well-being, improving overall quality of life. Promoting active lifestyles aligns with the goals of sustainable development by encouraging healthier living environments and supporting broader societal progress through lower healthcare costs, increased social interaction and improved public health. As we move towards 100 years of India in 2047, achieving the long-term goals of Viksit Bharat (Developed India) is closely linked to our level of commitment to SAPA.

However, physical inactivity is increasing in India, especially in urban areas. A study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and India Diabetes (INDIAB) (published in The Lancet) noted that 65% of urban Indians were inactive, compared to 50% in rural areas. The increasing incidence of sedentary lifestyle has largely contributed to the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and lifestyle-related health problems such as diabetes and hypertension. According to the same ICMR-INDIAB study, about 100 million Indians live with diabetes and over 300 million with hypertension, the majority of whom live in urban areas.

Thus, the need for a comprehensive approach to promoting SAPA has never been more urgent.

What are active frameworks?

The issue requires coordinated, system-wide strategies and initiatives to address several interrelated challenges such as lifestyle changes, lack of awareness, lack of access to SAPA resources and facilities, unaffordable social standards (especially for women and girls) and social -economic problems. economic factors. Solutions should focus on policy changes, infrastructure improvements, building capacity among key stakeholders such as physical education teachers, urban planners and policy makers, and promoting widespread engagement and behavior change among Indians to increase their participation in SAPA. We identify four critical environments for implementing these changes: cities, workplaces, transport systems and educational institutions – creating 'active frameworks'. By focusing on these areas, we can create an environment that encourages SAPA and supports the health and well-being of the population.

City-wide initiatives should promote urban spaces, including green areas, pedestrian areas and cycle paths. These elements increase the aesthetic and recreational value and contribute significantly to public health by encouraging physical activity and reducing pollution. Employers, especially in urban locations, can play a crucial role in fostering a culture that encourages SAPA in the daily routines of working professionals. This can be achieved through workplace wellness programs, incentives for active commuting and the provision of on-site facilities such as gyms and showers. Educational institutions should integrate SAPA into their curriculum and campus life by incorporating and emphasizing a physical literacy approach, including mandatory physical education and active classroom initiatives. These initiatives can instill lifelong SAPA habits in students and contribute to their overall well-being and academic performance. Developing public transportation options, for example bike share systems, creating walkable transit hubs, and ensuring safe paths for cyclists and pedestrians that support active commuting is essential. Such measures can help reduce traffic congestion, reduce carbon emissions and promote healthier lifestyles.

What is emphasized in the issue brief series?

These and other strategies are detailed in a series of issue briefs developed by the Sports and Society Accelerator (SSA). We hope that these briefs serve as initial roadmaps for integrating SAPA into the daily lives of Indians, highlighting the comprehensive benefits of these activities and providing localized, actionable strategies for different settings and environments.

The recommendations leverage the principles and global guidelines set out in the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA) and adapt them to address India's unique socio-cultural and infrastructural challenges. For example, they advocate the integration of culturally significant activities such as yoga and classical Indian dance into educational and community SAPA programs, recognizing their particular appeal for promoting SAPA among girls and women. To address the challenges of dense urban populations and limited space, the briefs recommend the creation of multifunctional public spaces that facilitate walking, cycling and communal gatherings, along with innovative solutions such as rooftop sports facilities. They also propose infrastructure changes to combat environmental challenges such as air pollution, heavy rainfall and heat waves, including covered walking and cycling paths, and the installation of outdoor shelters that provide rest and charging points for commuters. Together, these tailored strategies aim to foster a blueprint for multi-sector collaboration, advancing a vision for a healthier, more active society.

To effectively translate our insights into tangible results, it is critical to mobilize a broad spectrum of stakeholders and build robust partnerships across sectors. This approach involves policy makers, urban planners, employers, educational institutions and civil society organizations, among others, each playing a crucial role in reshaping India's SAPA landscapes.

These briefs provide an effective launching pad for orchestrating key initiatives such as meetings, workshops and policy dialogues aimed at embedding SAPA in India. Future steps include bringing together SAPA advocates who can influence community norms and behavior and leveraging the collective power of the sports-for-society ecosystem to increase the visibility and impact of these initiatives. By engaging a diverse network of stakeholders, we aim to cultivate a discourse that advocates the integration of SAPA into everyday life.

Our vision goes further than just increasing engagement with SAPA; it aims for transformative changes in the environments in which people live, work and play. By jointly promoting these initiatives, we aim to transform urban centres, workplaces, transport systems and schools and colleges into vibrant hubs of healthcare and SAPA. This integrated approach promises to both improve public health and pave a path to a more dynamic, healthier future for all Indians. Through these collective efforts, we can realize the potential of a fully active India, where supportive environments support healthy lifestyles for all.

We invite you to review the issue briefs and share your thoughts and comments with us at [email protected].

The authors work at the Accelerator Sport and Society. Kanishka Bhattacharya is head of research and Mridul Kataria is chief of staff.

About SSA: The Sports and Society Accelerator is a public-facing, independent non-profit organization working to shape the world around us through sport and physical activity (SAPA). The focus is on actionable policy and regulatory guidelines and recommendations, data-driven research, proofs of concept, projects and programs, and outreach and advisory services to stakeholders and partners.

Image credits: Canva/Monkey Business Images




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