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Pakistan Cricket Association reacts after Haris Rauf's verbal altercation video goes viral: Fans need to know


Haris Rauf courted fresh controversy after the Pakistan pacer lost his cool and confronted a fan in the United States of America (US) on Tuesday. Rauf found himself in the eye of a storm after the video of the Pakistani pacer taunting a group of fans became the talk of the town. In the video, Rauf was seen taking revenge after the fans apparently upset the Pakistani bowler following Green Army's embarrassing exit from the ICC T20 World Cup.

Pakistani cricketers have extended their support to Rauf (X-AFP)
Pakistani cricketers have extended their support to Rauf (X-AFP)

After Pakistan's no-show on the biggest stage, pacer Rauf was walking with his wife when the cricketer had an unfortunate verbal altercation. India se hoga (He must be from India), Rauf shouted at the fan. Pakistan se hun (I am from Pakistan), the fan responded in the viral video. Rauf approached the fan even after his wife tried to stop him. Rauf and the fan exchanged verbal volleys as the group taunted him for his underperformance at the World Cup.

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Pakistan Cricket Association reacts to Rauf's altercation video

Former Pakistan captain Mohammad Hafeez extended his support to Rauf and urged fans to respect the players' privacy. “Fans should know how to respect the boundaries between a cricketer's personal and professional life. This is basic ethics and a humble request,” Hafeez said. Pacer Hassan Ali also shared his thoughts on the viral video. “I have seen a video circulating online about Harry @HarisRauf14 and I urge all my dear cricket fans to remember that criticism can be constructive without being hurtful. Let's keep the debate respectful and considerate of the players' families .Let's have love, peace and respect for the GAME. We all want Pakistani cricket to rise, I love you all,” the fast bowler added.

Rauf breaks the silence

Rauf also opened up about the incident and said he “will not hesitate to respond” if his family is involved in the case. “As public figures, we are open to all kinds of feedback from the public. They have the right to support or criticize us. Nevertheless, when it comes to my parents and my family, I will not hesitate to respond accordingly,” Rauf said. .

Pakistan's flop show at the T20 World Cup

Babar Azam's Pakistan started their T20 World Cup campaign with a shock defeat to co-hosts USA. After the US's epic victory in the Super-Over thriller, the 2022 runners-up lost the blockbuster clash with arch-rivals India in New York. Although Pakistan bounced back with wins over Ireland and Canada, the Rauf-starred side finished behind India and USA in Group A. Leaders India and second-placed USA reached the Super 8 stage, while Pakistan made an early exit from the ICC event concluded. .




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