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Magill honored as 2024 ABCA/Rawlings Gold Glove Finalist

Magill honored as 2024 ABCA/Rawlings Gold Glove Finalist Indiana State catcher Grant Magill was honored among the finalists for the 2024 American Baseball Coaches Association/Rawlings NCAA Division I Gold Gove team, as announced by the organizations Tuesday afternoon.

Magill receives the nominee nod for the second consecutive season and is the reigning 2023 ABCA/Rawlings Gold Glove winner after claiming the recognition. The native of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, was only the second Sycamore in program history to receive the prestigious honor, joining alum Ryan Stausborger (outfielder) who received the award from the ABCA in 2010.

Magill was named the conference's Defensive Player of the Year for the second consecutive season, becoming the first two times Indiana State has received the award. He was only the second player in Valley history to win the award multiple times, joining Ryan Cermak (Illinois State 2021 and 2022) in accomplishing the feat.

The Sycamore backstop went largely unchallenged in another dominant campaign behind the plate in the 2024 season. Magill threw out 16 attempted base stealers in the 2024 season and added three additional pickoffs to allow opponents to move from station to station along the base paths to move.

In conference play, opponents attempted just 12 bases against the Sycamores this season, with Magill picking up six runners. Overall, he allowed a Valley-low 18 stolen bases in 30 attempts with just one passed ball in conference play.

Teams attempted just seven stolen bases in the final 20 games of the regular season, with Magill throwing out five runners, including two against Belmont on May 4. He had a four-game stint from February 25 to March 2 against Marshall, Vanderbilt and Southern. Miss where he threw out at least one runner per game.

Magill was even better in the postseason when teams tried to challenge the redshirt senior early. He threw out two runners in an elimination game against UIC and added two more runners caught stealing against both Illinois and Western Michigan in the Lexington Regional during the first two games of the NCAA Tournament. His prowess behind the plate warned both Illinois and Kentucky from trying to steal during ISU's final two games of the season.

Magill finished his ISU playing career as a three-time All-Defensive selection at catcher and led an ISU defense that led the MVC in conference play with a .986 fielding percentage in 2024.

The American Baseball Coaches Association and Rawlings Sporting Goods are proud to announce the finalists for the ABCA/Rawlings NCAA Div. 2024. I Gold Glove team. The 2024 NCAA Division I Gold Glove finalists were voted on and selected by the ABCA NCAA Div. I All-America & Coach of the Year Committee.

Across all divisions, the ABCA/Rawlings Gold Glove winners will be announced via social media by Rawlings Sporting Goods on Wednesday, June 19.

The ABCA/Rawlings Gold Glove teams were first recognized in 2007 and are awarded annually to the top defensive players from each division of college and high school baseball.

About the ABCA

Founded in 1945, the American Baseball Coaches Association is the premier professional organization for amateur baseball coaches. Its more than 15,000 members represent all 50 states and 41 countries. Since the first meeting of 27 college baseball coaches in June 1945, the association's membership has expanded to nine divisions: NCAA Division I, II and III, NAIA, NJCAA, Pacific Association Division, High School, Youth and Travel.

About Rawlings

Rawlings Sporting Goods Company, Inc. is an innovative manufacturer and marketer of sporting goods worldwide. Founded in 1887, Rawlings is an authentic global sports brand trusted by generations of athletes of all levels. Rawlings' unparalleled quality and expert craftsmanship are the fundamental reasons why more and more professional athletes, national governing bodies and sports leagues choose Rawlings. Rawlings is the official ball supplier and batting helmet of Major League Baseball, the official baseball of Minor League Baseball and the NCAA, and an approved baseball, basketball, football and softball club of the National High School Federation. For more information, visit or call (314) 819-2800.

To follow the Sycamores

For the latest information on the Sycamore Baseball team, visit You can also find the team on social media, among othersFacebook,TweetAndInstagram. Fans can also receive updates on Sycamore Athletics by downloading the March On app from bothApp Storeand theGoogle Play Store.




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