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Andy Murray vs Jordan Thompson LIVE: Tennis scores and updates from Queens

Andy Murray vs Jordan Thompson LIVE: Tennis scores and updates from Queens


(Getty Images for LTA)

Andy Murray completed what will likely be his final appearance at Queens Club with a win and will face Jordan Thompson in the second round.

Murray, a former world number one, secured a hard-fought 6-3 3-6 6-3 victory over Alexei Popyrin on Tuesday to progress in the tournament.

The 37-year-old has fallen out of the world's top 100 and the victory over Popyrin was only his seventh of the season as he continued to battle torn ankle ligaments and a back injury in March.

Murray has won a record five times in Queens, but is not expected to expand his career beyond Wimbledon and the Summer Olympics in Paris.

Thompson is currently ranked 43rd in the world, but is as high as 32nd, and the 30-year-old has won one title this year.

Follow all the Queens live action in the blog below


British number one Jack Draper benefits early from a new, aggressive style

Jack Draper's aggressive new mentality has already won him a first ATP title and crowned him Britain's number one, but he has set his sights even higher.

The 22-year-old has transformed himself from baseline grinder to 6-foot-4 server under new coach Wayne Ferreira.

Draper has come a long way in a short time, having cut a forlorn figure when crashing out in the first round of the French Open just three weeks ago.

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 2:22 PM


Rinky Hijikata defeated Matteo Arnaldi

After two tiebreaks and two match points, Rinky Hijikata defeated Matteo Arnaldi in straight sets.

The Australian won 7-6 (7-0) 7-6 (9-7) to reach the quarter-finals on his debut in Queens

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 2:20 PM


Cameron Norrie got the better of Milos Raonic in the first round of Queens by a big margin

Cameron Norrie folded to the King of Aces at Queens as his miserable run continued.

Big-serving Canadian Milos Raonic recorded 47 aces, an ATP Tour record for a three-set match, as he inflicted another defeat on Norrie at the cinch championships.

Norrie, who lost his British number one spot to Jack Draper this weekend, had two match points in a third set tiebreak at the marathon but was defeated 7-6 (6) 3-6 7-6 (9) in two hours ) defeated. and 15 minutes.

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 2:14 PM


Carlos Alcaraz continues where he left off on grass and wins the Queens opener

Carlos Alcaraz started the defense of his championship crown with a straight sets victory over Francisco Cerundolo.

The reigning King of Queens and Wimbledon champion extended his winning streak on grass to 13 matches with a 6-1 7-5 victory.

World number 26 Cerundolo was last seen pushing Novak Djokovic to five sets, and then to a hospital bed, at the French Open.

The Argentinian also proved to be a minor irritation for Alcaraz by beating the world number two early in the second set.

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 2:03 PM


Illness ends Katie Boulter's Birmingham bid

Katie Boulter's winning run came to a premature end in Birmingham when the British number one retired due to illness after the first set of her opening match against Anhelina Kalinina.

She nevertheless went to Edgbaston Priory, but the 27-year-old struggled from the start against the Ukrainian Kalinina and called the trainer and the doctor with a 5-2 deficit.

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 1:47 PM


Emma Raducanu and Naomi Osaka lead the Wimbledon wildcards

Emma Raducanu is among the tennis players to receive Wimbledon wildcards for the upcoming 2024 championships.

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 1:33 PM


Andy Murray won his tournament opener against Alexei Popyrin

Here are some photos from that match:

(Getty Images)
(Zac Goodwin/PA Wire)
(Zac Goodwin/PA Wire)

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 1:20 PM


Rinky Hijikata vs. Matteo Arnaldi

Hijikata takes the first set!

Arnaldi had worked hard to fight his way back into the match, but he could not produce the same form in the tiebreak, which Hijikata won 7-0.

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 1:09 PM


Rinky Hijikata vs. Matteo Arnaldi

Hijikata had the chance to take the set 6-2, but was beaten back by Arnaldi who fought back in the first set.

(Getty Images for LTA)

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 12:45 PM


Dan Evans was worried about missing Wimbledon and the Olympics after a knee injury

Just two days after being named in Great Britain's squad for Paris 2024, Evans suffered a nasty fall on the grass in his first round match at the cinch championships against American Brandon Nakashima.

The 34-year-old fears he has damaged the medial collateral ligaments in his right knee.

He has had to withdraw from the doubles match with Andy Murray at Queens this week and will instead undergo a scan in the coming days to determine the extent of the injury.

Sonia TwigJune 19, 2024 12:45 PM




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