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Greenfield Recorder – Greenfield's Asa Bouchard competes for Team USA in Prospects by Sports Illustrated Hockey World Cup

Greenfield Recorder – Greenfield's Asa Bouchard competes for Team USA in Prospects by Sports Illustrated Hockey World Cup


Asa Bouchard after receiving his Team USA jersey before the Prospects by Sports Illustrated World Cup in Toronto earlier this week.

Asa Bouchard after receiving his Team USA jersey before the Prospects by Sports Illustrated World Cup in Toronto earlier this week.

Asa Bouchard is quickly making a name for herself in the hockey world.

The 12-year-old Greenfield resident was invited to a Prospects by Sports Illustrated hockey tournament sanctioned by USA Hockey and Hockey Canada in Toronto last summer and impressed the scouts and coaches there.

So much so that Bouchard was invited back this summer as he was selected to compete in Prospects by Sports Illustrated World Cup for Team USA. The tournament starts Wednesday in Toronto.

“I found out a few months ago,” Bouchard said. I was very excited and speechless. I didn't know what to think because I didn't know if I would make it or not.

The tournament features teams from eight countries: the US, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, China, Italy and an All World Team.

Bouchard made the trip to Toronto on Sunday. He checked in Monday to pick up his gear and jersey, while Bouchard took part in his first Team USA practice Monday evening. Afterwards, Team USA had a team bonding flag football barbecue.

Tuesday was the opening ceremony, which took place at the Hockey Hall of Fame, followed by a team field trip later in the day.

The games start on Wednesday and the play-offs are scheduled for Sunday. An All-Star game will be played on Saturday evening.

“I'm looking forward to being there and playing for Team USA,” Bouchard said. I'm just proud to represent Team USA and proud to wear a Team USA jersey.

Bouchard is competing for Team USA's 2011 Silver squad. He is one of two New England players on the team, which features players from all over the country.

The experience he gained in Toronto last summer helped him prepare for the upcoming tournament, as he said it gave him a sense of what it's like to compete against the best of the best.

It was really good hockey, Bouchard said. I had to get used to it. It lasted the first few periods of the first game. It was just faster and better hockey.

It should come as no surprise that Bouchard is already competing for Team USA.

Bouchard attends 413 Hockey Academy in Agawam, whose website lists a progressive approach to combining athletic training and education for hockey players in 6th through 9th grades.

In addition to traditional schoolwork at the 413 Hockey Academy, Bouchard gets to spend four hours on the ice, in the gym, doing yoga, working on shooting or even working on the mental aspects of the game to become the best hockey player possible. he can be.

We practice at school three days a week, Bouchard said. I've played in a summer league that I'm really ready for, so I won't rust.

The results have paid off. This past season, Bouchard competed in the Federal Hockey League, where he scored a total of 78 goals and 48 assists in 51 games for 125 points. That led to all 2011-born players in the league.

The rising eighth-grader will get a chance to impress a litany of scouts in Toronto this week.

With the best players from their age group all over the world in Toronto at the same time, as you can imagine, there will be scouts from all the major leagues ranging from the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), NCAA, Canadian Junior Hockey League (CJHL), American Hockey League (USHL) and North American Hockey League (NAHL).

There will be a whole group of scouts there, from the NCAA to junior teams to junior leagues, Bouchard said. It's all exposure. I want to work hard and dedicate myself to scouts.

Bouchard plays the center position, but said he would be willing to play whatever the coaches ask him to do this week.

I like passing, scoring and of course defending, Bouchard said. I usually play in the middle, but I'm ready for whatever the coach tells me to do.

Outside of hockey, Bouchard is looking forward to meeting his teammates and getting to know people from other parts of the country. He also said he is looking forward to meeting people from all over the world and looking forward to swapping jerseys with another player once the tournament ends.

“I'm looking forward to being there and playing for Team USA,” Bouchard said. It will be fun to meet kids from different states and countries. It will be fun to go to the Hall of Fame and see all the different things there.

And of course, Bouchard hopes to bring some gold back to Greenfield.

Winning for Team USA would be fun and cool, Bouchard said.




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