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New National Gay Flag Football League sparks controversy in the NFL world

New National Gay Flag Football League sparks controversy in the NFL world


NFL logo on football field (left) Gay pride flag (right)

MEGA (left) Canva Stock Images (right)

The Buffalo Billsamong other things N.F.L teams, are at the center of controversy after announcing their support for the National Gay Flag Football League (NGFFL).

The NFL organization shocked the sports world by showing its support for the NGFFL and announcing a sponsorship to launch a chapter in Buffalo and 27 other cities. The NGFFL is a non-profit sports organization dedicated to promoting the positive social and athletic enjoyment of American football.

After hearing the news, many sports fans initially thought the National Gay Flag Football League was a joke. However, once they realized it was real, the NFL faced backlash.

What is the National Gay Flag Football League?

The Buffalo Bills announced on June 18 that the organization is pleased to sponsor the National Gay Flag Football League (NGFFL) as it begins a new chapter in Buffalo. As a non-profit organization, the NGFFL strives to foster social connections and promote the enjoyment of American Flag Football.

“We are thrilled to bring inclusive flag football to Buffalo with the support of the Buffalo Bills. This exciting addition joins 27 other cities and more than 4,000 players, including heterosexual allies, in the National Gay Flag Football League,” said NGFFL Commissioner Joel Horton. , according to the official press release.

Integration into the NFL

The Bills said this partnership is a game-changer in introducing LGBTQ+ organized football to Buffalo. By joining other supportive NFL teams such as the New York Giants, New England Patriots, New York Jets, Miami Dolphins, Arizona Cardinals, Chicago Bears, Washington Commanders and Seattle Seahawks, the Buffalo Bills are helping to level our growing league . more inclusive.

“Our mission is to unite the community through the spirit of competition while celebrating our diversity. By fostering an environment where all are welcome, we strive to build a stronger, more inclusive Buffalo. Together, with the support of the Buffalo Bills, we are creating a space where all individuals can participate, compete and thrive,” continued Horton.

Founded in 2002, the NGFFL is steadily expanding to major cities across the US

“We are excited to join the NFL and other clubs across the league in their support of the NGFFL,” Buffalo Bills Vice President of Community Impact Michelle Roberts said in the release. “Through our sponsorship, we look forward to expanding the impact of the NGFFL in our community.”

NGFFL sparks controversy

After hearing the news, many sports fans criticized the National Gay Flag Football League, with some even thinking the news was a joke.

“This is a joke, right?” one X user asked.

“They will fail faster than CNN+,” said another claimed.

“This is one of your wildest drops ever,” a third X user expressed.

“We were all sick of it,” said one social media user wrote after hearing the news.

The backlash continues…

Thousands more comments came in, criticizing the NFL for its decision to sponsor the National Gay Flag Football League.

“Stop this weak, gay shit being shoved down our throats,” said one sports fan expressed.

While another

Someone else asked, “Isn't it illegal to discriminate based on sexual preference?”

The Mission of the National Gay Flag Football League

According to the official websiteThe mission of the National Gay Flag Football League is “to build an inclusive and empowering community through the celebration of diversity, athleticism and good sportsmanship.”

The NGFFL provides “a safe space for individuals of all backgrounds to share their passion for flag football and promote equality both on and off the field.”

“Our competition breaks barriers, challenges stereotypes and promotes an environment where everyone feels valued. Through sport, we empower individuals, foster connections and contribute to LGBTQ+ rights. Join us in standing up for diversity and equality, and leaves a lasting impact on sport and society,” the organization said.




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