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'India pays the bills and that's why…': BCCI and ICC launch into 'astonishing' dig at T20 Super 8 World Cup seeding

'India pays the bills and that's why…': BCCI and ICC launch into 'astonishing' dig at T20 Super 8 World Cup seeding


It's a three-leg T20 World Cup before two teams reach the final on June 29 in Barbados. The preliminary round consisted of 20 teams, divided into four teams of five each. The top two teams from each group then reached the Super Eight stage, where they were divided into two separate groups of four teams each. However, there was a twist in the line. In a unique move by the International Cricket Council (ICC), the top eight ranked teams were allocated pre-tournament seeds, giving them an idea of ​​exactly which group they would land in the Super Eight and which venues they would play in when they next would get a round. This decision, which subsequently overturned whether the team finished first or second in their respective groups, has had a significant impact on the competitiveness of the tournament, raising concerns among the cricket community.

India's captain Rohit Sharma during a practice session ahead of an ICC Men's T20 World Cup Super 8 cricket match between India and Afghanistan, in Bridgetown, Barbados (PTI)
India's captain Rohit Sharma during a practice session ahead of an ICC Men's T20 World Cup Super 8 cricket match between India and Afghanistan, in Bridgetown, Barbados (PTI)

Amid widespread criticism from veteran cricketers and active players like Mitchell Starc, former England international Mark Butcher expressed his disapproval over the pre-fixed Super Eight schedule in the T20 World Cup. He directly attacked the ICC for what he perceived as favoritism towards the Rohit Sharma-led side and the Indian public.

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In addition to the pre-tournament seeding structure, Butcher was unhappy that India were also informed of the venue and date for the semi-final, regardless of whether they finish first or second in the Super Eight group.

Speaking on the Wisden Cricket Weekly Podcast, Butcher said: “That whole thing from start to finish, from where you finish first or second in the group stages, it didn't matter where you finished in the Super Eights. And then one team knowing which group it will be in the Super Eights and where the semi-finals will be, meaning the other team that finishes second also knowing where the semi-finals will be is extraordinary.

“How do you organize a competition around the fact that one team knows exactly whether everything will go according to plan and that it will play the semi-final on a certain day and in a certain location, while everyone in the other group has no idea? And That's what it should be. You should have no idea. The group thing was simply because there was no seeding between first or second place in your group stage and that's amazing, and we all think that's the case. is because, as far as India is concerned, the TV audience pays the bills and was therefore promised or delivered some sort of scenario where they would know exactly where they would play their semi-final if they reached it. That's unbelievable to me. “

Butcher also hit out at the ICC's rule for not allowing commentators to speak against the format of the T20 World Cup.

'You do not do that [hear anything from the broadcasters] because they work for the ICC and the ICC will not allow any kind of dissent from the people it has asked to come and work for the ICC so you don't hear criticism of anything. It is not allowed, prohibited,” he added.

Earlier, Starc questioned the logic behind Australia's placement as B2 for Super Eight despite finishing top of the group table with an unbeaten run.

I think a question should be asked about pre-sowing. I'm not sure I'm a fan of that, the fast bowler said after Australia's win over Scotland last week.

The Super Eight stage starts in Antigua from Wednesday, with the US taking on South Africa.




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