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University of Georgia Athletics

University of Georgia Athletics


ATHENS—–GeorgiaTre Phelps And Kolten Smith will be among the top college players not eligible for the draft who will participate in the USA Baseball Collegiate National Team (CNT) training camp next week in Cary, NC

Phelps, a 6-2, 204-pound infielder/outfielder from Kennesaw, Georgia, earned second-team Freshman All-America honors from the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association and Freshman All-SEC honors from the league coaches. He hit .353 with 11 doubles, 12 home runs and 40 RBI in 42 games. He made 34 starts at five different positions (right field, left field, third base, first base and design hitter).

Smith, a 6-3, 210-pound right-hander from Ocala, Florida, led the Bulldogs in wins, posting a 9-3 mark and a 5.56 ERA. In 69.2 innings, he recorded a team-high 105 strikeouts and only 20 walks. Smith made twenty appearances with four starts. In SEC action, Smith was 7-2 with a 4.80 ERA, including a road win over then-top-ranked Texas A&M, earning Pitcher of the Week honors.

In Ike Cousins ​​head baseball coach Wes JohnsonIn the season's first, Phelps and Smith helped the Bulldogs to a 43–17 record and an NCAA Super Regional appearance as a number seven national seed. Last summer, all of America Charlie Condon was the most recent Bulldog to play for the American CNT.

Phelps and Smith aim to earn a spot on one of the CNT squads this summer. After camp concludes on June 29, USA Baseball will announce the International Friendship Series (IFS) roster, led by Alabama State's José Vázquez, and the Summer League (SL) roster, led by Gary Gilmore of Coastal Carolina. The IFS squad will face Chinese Taipei in a five-match series, while the SL squad will compete against select teams from the Appalachian League and the Coastal Plain League in four matches. The schedule will culminate in a July 4 matchup between the two American CNT rosters in Fayetteville, NC

The full 2024 Collegiate National Team schedule is as follows:

Team USA Stars vs. Stripes series

June 26; Stripes vs. Stars; National Training Complex (Cary, NC); 6:00 PM ET
June 27; Stars vs Stripes; National Training Complex (Cary, NC); 6:00 PM ET

The 21st International Friendship Series between the US and Chinese Taipei

June 29; Chinese Taipei vs USA; Segra Stadium (Fayetteville, NC); 6:35 PM ET
June 30th; US vs Chinese Taipei; National Training Complex (Cary, NC); 6:35 PM ET
July 1st; Chinese Taipei vs USA; National Training Complex (Cary, NC); 6:35 PM ET
July 2nd; US vs Chinese Taipei; First National Bank Field (Greensboro, NC); 6:35 PM ET
3 July; Chinese Taipei vs USA; Atrium Health Ballpark (Kannapolis, NC); 6:35 PM ET

USA Baseball Collegiate National Team Summer League Tour

June 29; Coastal Plain League Select vs. USA; National Training Complex (Cary, NC); 5:30 PM ET
June 30th; USA vs. Coastal Plain League Select; National Training Complex (Cary, NC); 3:00 PM ET
July 1st; USA vs. Appalachian League East Select; Calfee Park (Pulaski, Virginia); 7:00 PM ET
July 2nd; USA vs. Appalachian League West Select; TVA Credit Union Ballpark (Johnson City, Tenn.); 7:00 PM ET

USA Baseball Collegiate National Team Fourth of July Game

July 4; Segra Stadium (Fayetteville, NC); 6:35 PM ET

For the most up-to-date information on the collegiate national team, includingticket informationvisit and follow @USABaseballCNT and @USABaseball on Twitter/X.

FOLLOW THE BULLDOGS: For the latest Georgia baseball news, visit and follow the Bulldogs on X (@BaseballUGA), Facebook (@GeorgiaBaseball) and Instagram (@baseballuga).




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