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Carlos Alcaraz vs Jack Draper LIVE: Queens tennis latest scores and day 4 updates

Carlos Alcaraz vs Jack Draper LIVE: Queens tennis latest scores and day 4 updates



Carlos Alcaraz takes on new British number 1 Jack Draper in the match of the day at Queens Club on Thursday.

Three-time Grand Slam champion Alcaraz wants to defend his title this week, but has a difficult encounter in Draper against an in-form man, who won his first tour title in Stuttgart last week.

British wildcard Billy Harris will also be in action in the second round on Center Court, as will fifth seed Tommy Paul and Italian player Lorenzo Musetti.

Andy Murray was forced to withdraw from his second round match on Wednesday, putting his participation in his final Wimbledon in serious doubt.

Follow live action from Queens Club with The Independent


* Carlos Alcaraz 4-4 Jack Draper

And Draper follows it up with a love grab.

A brilliant mix of drop shots, serve-and-volley and smart defensive skills.

Nothing to divide them after eight games.

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 2:17 PM


Carlos Alcaraz 4-3 Jack Draper*

A source of support for the love for Alcaraz.

Starting to get the feeling that the Spaniard, after a slow start, is only now starting to find his rhythm…

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 2:14 PM


* Carlos Alcaraz 3-3 Jack Draper

Another impressive tenure for Draper.

Alcaraz, perhaps the best returner in the game right now, hasn't taken a look…

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 2:11 PM


Carlos Alcaraz 3-2 Jack Draper*

For the third game in a row, Alcaraz gets into trouble at 15-30 – and then spends about a minute trying to fend off a bee circling him!

A couple of big shots for 40-30 before a netted drop shot from the Spaniard takes the game to deuce.

Another huge serve and missed forehand from Draper sees another potential break opportunity simply pass him by.

Alcaraz talking to chair referee Mohamed Lahyani at the change of ends, I believe, about the shot clock. Most unlike Alcaraz…

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 2:06 PM


* Carlos Alcaraz 2-2 Jack Draper

Draper appears to have missed a routine backhand serve to start the match but is successful via a challenge, but via a double fault and Draper miss the match goes to 30-30.

Alcaraz lets him off the hook by going just wide on a forehand, before the British No. 1 rips a forehand winner crosscourt!

Beautiful shot! And he likes…

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 2:00 PM


Carlos Alcaraz 2-1 Jack Draper*

Explosive return at 15-15 from Draper, leading to a cut in the net from Alcaraz, before the Spaniards get him out of trouble.

Serving early here…

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 1:53 PM


* Carlos Alcaraz 1-1 Jack Draper

A much more routine service stop for Draper, who builds on his big first serve to take a lead before Alcaraz goes long on the backhand at 40-30.

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 1:49 PM


Carlos Alcaraz 1-0 Jack Draper*

Tight play to get things going!

Draper takes the ball early and squeezes the game back to deuce, but after a few missed shots the defending champions eventually hold on…

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 1:46 PM


Carlos Alcaraz vs. Jack Draper LIVE:

Alcaraz will start serving here…

(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 1:42 PM


Carlos Alcaraz vs. Jack Draper LIVE:

Here the players come to Center Court!

It's a warm, cloudy day in West Kensington for this meeting. Alcaraz won the previous two meetings, but this is their first match on grass!

Kieran JacksonJune 20, 2024 1:31 PM




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