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Spring season overview: men's tennis

Spring season overview: men's tennis


RIO GRANDE VALLEY Overcoming obstacles, growing as individuals and as a unit, and setting new standards were the key lessons from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) men's tennis team's 2024 spring season.

The first day of practice featured one senior, one junior, one sophomore and four freshmen on the roster, including three who joined the team just over a week before the season opener. When the Vaqueros took the field for their first match on Jan. 13, three freshmen made their debuts in a dual match.

Head coachNathan Robinsonknew there would be some challenges. But he also saw potential, opportunity and a team hungry to prove itself. Before the first match, almost every spot in the lineup was up for grabs, with only No. 1 singles and No. 1 doubles. Robinson focused on how fun it would be to see who would claim their spot and how much everyone would grow and compete with so many people on the line.

Every Vaquero, old and new, did their best to create a special season in more ways than one. UTRGV finished 9-17, increasing its win total for the third straight spring and achieving its most wins in a season since 2018. Three wins stood above the rest: the 4-3 rout of rival Texas A&M-Corpus Christi in South Texas. Showdown, which ends a 14-year losing skid; the 4-3 win over Lamar; the resounding 4-0 victory over Seattle U in the quarterfinals of the Western Athletic Conference (WAC) Tournament.

All the moments, big and small, made it a rewarding season in which UTRGV is excited about the future.

“We've achieved goals that haven't been done in a long time and we've seen that our process continues to demonstrate that we're on the right track,” Robinson said. “The WAC tournament was a highlight for a few reasons. Firstly, it's always great to be able to promote the Valley and show what great facilities, staff, support and opportunities we have. It was just a really well organized tournament and an honor as host at the HEB Tennis Center at Pendleton Park in Harlingen. Second, we avenged our regular season loss to Seattle U and did so in dominant fashion.

“Third, while we lost in the semifinals to the eventual conference champions, the boys' reaction, the disappointment, the emotion and the immediate focus on next year was so great to see,” Robinson continued. “We talked about the process and the belief in ourselves and what this program can be. Not long ago, pushing a conference champion like we did was something to celebrate. Now it's viewed differently by our players. What they expect themselves and the program is why I'm very excited about what's to come.”

The senior captain helped Robinson guide the young group to special momentsEmilien Burneland juniorSam Witkop.Burnel led the way with his play, going 14-10 at No. 1 singles and 12-11 at No. 1 doubles and earning Singles All-WAC First Team honors for the second straight season. He also set the standard with his work ethic, responsibility, maturity, love for his sport and most of all, love for his team. An early-season injury limited Whitehead to just six games this spring, but he stepped up in a big way from the sidelines as a coach for his teammates.

With the guidance of Burnel and Whitehead and the hard, deliberate coaching of Robinson and assistant coachEkaterina Vorobeva,the progress each Vaquero made was remarkable.

FreshmenWill RobertsAndSantiago Serranoboth captured victories over Power Five opponents. Roberts' first collegiate victory was a 6-2, 5-7, 1-0 (10:5) match against then No. 17 Baylor's Justin Braverman. That battle was the start of a four-match winning streak for Roberts, who has won seven of his last 12 singles matches. Serrano posted the team's second-best record, going 10-13 in singles and going 8-5 at No. 4. He defeated then-No. 12 Texas A&M's Kenner Taylor in a gritty comeback, 0-6, 7 -6 (7:4), 1-0 (10:7). Fellow spring add and freshmenPaolo Bonagurowon three in a row midway through the season and capped his rookie year with a dominant 6-1, 6-4 win over UT Arlington's Pedro Sasso at the WAC tournament.

FreshmenIvo Isqueiromade the Singles All-WAC Second Team after going 9-14 overall and 2-2 in WAC play. After lining up at seeds 2-6, he settled into the No. 2 flight in singles and showed great determination. Isqueiro also ranked No. 1 in doubles with Burnel and the duo went 10-5 overall and 3-1 in conference. Sophomore McAllen Memorial alumAgustin Salazarwent 9-15 in singles and finished his season with three straight wins at No. 4, including a pair of one-sided victories at the WAC tournament.

“The team we had in January was going to lose 0-7 to the team we had in April,” Robinson said. “Young teams can be a handful to coach, but this group was the opposite. They worked hard, were focused and wanted to compete every day. It created such a great environment to excel. We have a young core and it bodes well for the future of this program and what new goals can be achieved.”

UTRGV returns everyone except Burnel next season. While Burnel is irreplaceable, the legacy of competitiveness and genuine care he leaves behind will benefit the men's tennis program for years to come. This season, full of learning and growth, showed how much potential the Vaqueros have, and they are eager to build on it.

“The biggest thing I learned about this group is how much they believe in what we do. They embrace challenges, love to be uncomfortable and thrive when given the opportunity,” Robinson praised. “They are a tight-knit group that holds each other accountable and enjoys being teammates. The conversation with the guys now is to be the group that wins a conference championship. You can sense that this is not just something they hope for. They are completely committed and believe 100% that this will happen.”

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