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Cricket: confident teamwork on the field – News

Cricket: confident teamwork on the field – News


U11 and U10B mixed cricket vs Moor Park School

It was a fantastic afternoon of cricket in the sun, playing against each other Moorpark School. The atmosphere was lively as both girls and boys showcased their talents together on the field.

Henry, our captain, lost the toss and we were put to bat first. Harry and Aaron opened the batting and laid a solid foundation, with Harry hitting two boundaries. Together they scored 20 runs from their 3 overs.

Next at bat were Joshua and Helena. Joshua's exceptional performance earned him the title of batsman of the day, and the pair added 24 runs to our total. After them, Lottie and Evie crossed the line, with Lottie delighting the crowd by taking the top six of the day.

Ivy and Otto batted fourth and showed good teamwork. The fifth batting pair, Henry and Ruqayyah, added to our impressive total by scoring four boundaries between them. Finally, Joshua returned for a second innings, this time with Arslan. They proved to be a formidable duo and scored an impressive 29 runs from their overs.

By the end of our innings we had set a challenging target of 337 runs.

Our bowlers then took the field, delivered an exceptional performance and gave away very few extras. Henry and Joshua claimed a wicket each, Ruqayyah took two and Otto, who was voted bowler of the day, took three wickets. Our fielding was equally impressive and contributed to a tight defense.

Moor Park managed to score 268 points, falling short of our total. It was an excellent win for King's St Alban's, marked by a convincing performance from all players.

U11/U10 C Cricket vs Moor Park

The children had a wonderful afternoon playing cricket in the warm weather on Wednesday Moorpark. We lost the toss but the visitors opted to bat first so we were sent out. Bowling was mainly accurate with a few wides. Despite being hit by a storm, Crispin took three consecutive wickets, two of which were bowled and one run out. Luca (two) and Charlotte (one) also took wickets. We managed to keep the number of visitors to 273. After a short team discussion, we got to work. Uriah and Zara came in first and managed some excellent singles and Uriah scored three fours in his first over. We continued like that and Crispin went in and scored two sixes. I was very impressed with the calls after each ball and they were all good runs. The final score was 292. Congratulations to Brody, who was named opponent bower of the match, and to Luca as bowler of the match.

U9A girls cricket vs Malvern St James

We were very happy with the performance of the group 4 girls on Tuesday at Malvern St. James. The match started on a high note with Romi opening the bowling with a fantastic maiden, which set the tone for the rest of the match. Our team bowled consistently, giving away very few extras and maintaining the pressure on the other team throughout the innings.

Special congratulations go to Millie, Hannah and Martha, who each took crucial wickets, further strengthening our team's position of strength. Their exceptional bowling efforts left the opposition struggling to build momentum.

Our batting performance was equally impressive. The girls showed remarkable confidence and aggression, going for every ball and scoring a total of 10 boundaries in just eight overs. This aggressive approach paid off as the team achieved a competitive total.

Each player contributed significantly to the match, but special recognition goes to Nell, who was awarded the 'Batter of the Match' award for her outstanding performance at the crease, and Edith, who was named 'Bowler of the Match' for her exceptional bowling.

Congratulations to all the girls on a convincing and well-deserved victory. Their teamwork, determination and skill were on display throughout the match, making it a memorable victory for the team.

U9/8 B Cricket v Malvern St James

The girls had a great afternoon at Malvern St James. We won the toss and chose to field first. Our bowling was accurate and only a few wides were given. We managed to keep MSJ at 232. Savannah and Kasvika both got wickets. After a short team meeting we were allowed to get started. We hit some excellent singles, but on one we ran out and Savannah hit a four. We managed to beat their score and reached 232. Well done to Savannah who got Opponent Batsman of the Match and Amber for Bowler.




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