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42 players with USHL ties selected for USA Hockey World Junior Showcase

42 players with USHL ties selected for USA Hockey World Junior Showcase


General | 2024-06-20 11:49:32 AM

For Immediate Release | June 20, 2024
USHL News | USA Hockey World Junior Summer Show

42 players with USHL ties selected for the 2024 World Junior Hockey Summer Showcase

USA Hockey has announced the roster for the 2024 World Junior Summer Showcase, scheduled for August 26, 3 in Plymouth, Michigan.

The Showcase is to identify players who will be part of Team USA, which will compete at the IIHF World Junior Championship, scheduled for December 26, 2024 through January 5, 2025, in Ottawa, Ont.

Other teams participating in the World Junior Hockey Summer Showcase include Canada, Finland and Sweden.

In addition to 11 invitees from the USA Hockey National Team Development Program who saw action in the USHL in 2023-2024, 16 players who suited up for club teams in the United States Hockey League during this season were named to participate in this season. summer camp Carsen Musser(Madison),Hampton Slukynsky (Fargo), Adam Kleber (Lincoln), Tory Pitner (Youngstad), Colin Ralph (Dubuque), Andreas Strathmann (Youngstad), Austin Burnevik (Madison), Trevor Connelly (Tricity), Jake Fisher (Fargo), Beckett Hendrickson (Dubuque), Chris Pelosi (Sioux Falls), Noah Powell (Dubuque), James Reeder (Dubuque), Jayson Shaugabay (Green Bay), Brandon Svoboda (Fargo) and MacSwanson (Fargo). An additional 15 players who previously played in the USHL will also attend the camp, bringing the league total to 42 players.

David Carl, the head coach at the University of Denver and former assistant coach with the Green Bay Gamblers of the USHL, is serving as head coach of Team USA for a second consecutive year. Other members of the staff include assistant coachesBrett Larson from St. Cloud Statewho spent two seasons as head coach and general manager of the Sioux City Musketeers (2011-2013),Steve Millerwho spent the 1984-85 season playing for the Madison Capitols before embarking on a long career as an assistant coach in the college ranks, Garrett Raboinwho played for the Lincoln Stars (2003-06) and is currently head coach at Augustana University and goaltending coachDavid Lassondeof the NTDP.

Players with USHL ties attending the 2024 World Junior Summer Showcase
Name Pos Most Recent Team (League) USHL team
Trey Augustine G Michigan State University (Big 10) USA Hockey NTDP
Nick Kempf G United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Carsen Musser G Madison Capitols (USHL)
Hampton Slukynsky G Fargo Force (USHL)
Zeev Buium D University of Denver (NCHC) USA Hockey NTDP
E. J. Emery D United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Paul Fischer D University of Notre Dame (Big 10) USA Hockey NTDP
Luke Fischer D Sarnia Stitch (OHL) Cedar Rapids RoughRiders (USHL)
Drew Fortescue D Boston College (Hockey East) USA Hockey NTDP
Logan Hensler D United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Cole Hutson D United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Adam Kleber D Lincoln Stars (USHL)
Matt mania D Sudbury (OHL) Fargo Force (USHL)
Gavin McCarthy D Boston University (Hockey East) Muskegon Lumberjacks (USHL)
Aram Minnetian D Boston College (Hockey East) USA Hockey NTDP
Tory Pitner D Youngstown Phantoms (USHL) Tr-City Storm (USHL)
Colin Ralph D Dubuque Fighting Saints (USHL)
Zach Schulz D University of Wisconsin (Big 10) USA Hockey NTDP
Andreas Strathmann D Youngstown Phantoms (USHL)
John Whipple D United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Tanner Adams F Providence College (Hockey East) Tr-City Storm (USHL)
Kamil Bednarik F United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Austin Burnevik F Madison Capitols (USHL)
Trevor Connelly F Three-City Storm (USHL)
Cole Eiserman F United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Jake Fisher F Fargo Force (USHL)
James Hagens F United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Beckett Hendrickson F Dubuque Fighting Saints (USHL)
Ryan Leonard F Boston College (Hockey East) USA Hockey NTDP
Oliver Moore F University of Minnesota (Big 10) USA Hockey NTDP
Danny Nelson F University of Notre Dame (Big 10) USA Hockey NTDP/Green Bay Bettors
Chris Pelosi F Sioux Falls Rush (USHL)
Gabe Perréault F Boston College (Hockey East) USA Hockey NTDP
Max Plante F United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Noah Powell F Dubuque Fighting Saints (USHL)
James Reeder F Dubuque Fighting Saints (USHL)
Jayson Shaugabay F Green Bay Bettors (USHL)
Teddy Stiga F United States National Under-18 Team (USHL)
Brandon Svoboda F Fargo Force (USHL)
MacSwanson F Fargo Force (USHL)
Willem Witlaw F University of Wisconsin (Big 10) Youngstown Phantoms
Brodie Ziemer F United States Under-18 National Team (USHL)

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The United States Hockey League and its affiliated clubs strive to be the leading amateur athlete development league in the world. The USHL strives to develop top players, students, coaches, referees, hockey staff and business personnel and help them become the best players, professionals and people they can be. The USHL strives to be a leader in the hockey world and in the communities in which its member teams reside.

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