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Live Cricket Update – WI vs ENG 42nd Match, Super Eights, Group 2 – Live Coverage – WI vs Eng – T20 World Cup, Super Eight

Live Cricket Update – WI vs ENG 42nd Match, Super Eights, Group 2 – Live Coverage – WI vs Eng – T20 World Cup, Super Eight


A devastating 87 not out from Phil Salt, supplemented by 48* from Jonny Bairstow, saw England beat the West Indies by eight wickets in St Lucia. It was the kind of performance that left a mark on the rest of the teams in the Super Eight of this T20 World Cup.

The defending champions made easy work of their target of 181, with a clinical 97-run stand between Salt and Bairstow securing victory with 15 deliveries remaining.

Played on a nice batting deck at the Daren Sammy National Stadium, Jos Buttler opted to chase after winning the toss. Things looked precarious after seven overs, with 72 on the board for the loss of only Brandon King, who collapsed with a side strain early in the fifth over, having scored 23 from his previous twelve deliveries.

A diet of spin-restricted West Indian batters thanks to Adil Rashid – the bowlers' pick with 1 for 21 from his four overs – and Moeen Ali, who would remove Johnson Charles.

Rovman Powell promoted himself to No. 4. And while it didn't yield immediate results, the home skipper did cash in when Buttler decided to gamble with a Liam Livingstone over in the 15th.

Powell took 20 off the over and hit Livingstone with three sixes in four deliveries. But it was the attempted fourth ball on Livingstone's last ball that caused his downfall, caught low at third by Mark Wood and returned to the XI in place of Chris Jordan.

It was the first of three wickets to fall in the space of twelve deliveries for just six runs. Jofra Archer removed Nicholas Pooran who fell behind in the next over, before Andre Russell hit a Rashid googly straight wide, long on.

That the West Indies could reach 180 without further loss from a position of 143 for 4 with three overs to go owes as much to Sherfane Rutherford as to Wood. The former could find 28 from 15 deliveries, with 13 coming from the latter, as the 18th was taken for 19.

England's chase started steadily enough, reaching 58 without loss after six overs. Roston Chase's flat delivery eventually ended the opening stand on 67, leaving Buttler in front, before Moeen Ali came and went to bat at No. 3 for the first time since March 2023.

Salt was left, and although he eventually slowed down, Bairstow was on hand to pick up the slack, hitting 46 from the 21st to the 16th over. Just then Salt came back and unleashed a brutal attack on Romario Shepherd, hitting the seam for 30 with three fours and three sixes – the most expensive by a West Indian in a T20 World Cup.

The first of those boundaries saw Salts bring up a half-century from 38 deliveries before piercing any remaining danger. West Indies had half a chance to remove Salt on 7 in the third over when he passed a hack over the line to Pooran, who could not hold on.




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