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Eleven Hokies named to All-ACC Academic Team

Eleven Hokies named to All-ACC Academic Team


CHARLOTTE, NC The ACC announced the 2024 All-ACC Academic Team for softball on Thursday, with 11 Hokies earning All-Academic honors.

Academic requirements for selection to the All-ACC Academic Team are a grade point average of 3.0 for the previous semester and a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 throughout one's academic career. In addition, student-athletes must participate in at least 50 percent of their team's games and 20 percent of their team's games as a pitcher.

Kylie Aldridge**, So., Public health
Cameron Fagan**, Sr., Agricultural Industry
Addy Green**, Sr., Human nutrition, foods and exercise
Lyndsey GreenSo., Consumer Studies
Cassie GrizzardSo., Management
Emma Lemley***, Jr., Sports Media and Analytics
Maija Louko**, Sr., Business Information Technology
Trinity Martin**, So., Human development
Emma MazzaroneFr., Agricultural Industry
Cori McMillanJr., Exercise and Health Sciences
Emma Ritter**, Sr., Agricultural Industry

Aldridge, a two-time All-ACC Academic selection, started 38 games at catcher this season. Through 41 appearances, she posted a slugging percentage of .505 and an on-base percentage of .366. She recorded a .986 fielding percentage with only four errors on the season.

Fagan earned her second All-ACC Academic selection after being one of only four Hokies to start all 55 games. She finished second on the team when hitting .373 and also finished third for Tech in total hits (63). The All-ACC Second Team winner was also named D1 Softball National Player of the Week on March 26.

Greene, a back-to-back All-ACC Academic honoree, started 54 games in left field for the Hokies. She finished second on the team with a .424 batting average and led the team with 15 doubles, a .520 on-base percentage and 35 walks. Not only was she one of three Hokies named an NFCA All-American, but she also earned her first career All-ACC First Team honor.

With her first All-ACC Academic selection, Grein played an important role for the Hokies in the circle. She made 26 appearances with 16 starts and finished the 2024 season with a 2.89 ERA. Grein recorded 134 strikeouts, highlighted by a career-high 12 strikeouts in the win over No. 20 Auburn.

Grizzard made 15 appearances in the circle and recorded five wins as she earned her first All-ACC Academic honors. She recorded 37 strikeouts and held opponents to a .266 batting average. Gizzard earned the season-opening win against Illinois as she allowed just one run in three innings pitched.

The Hokies' ace went 13-5 in the circle over 32 appearances and 19 starts. Lemley, who earned her third All-ACC Academic selection, finished third in the ACC with 158 strikeouts. She was named to the NFCA Mid-Atlantic Region First Team and the All-ACC Second Team. Lemley was also named to the USA Softball Top-50 Player of the Year Watch List for the second straight season.

In addition to her second consecutive All-ACC Academic Team selection, Louko earned her first career All-ACC selection when she was named to the third team. She appeared in 40 games and made 19 starts as a designated player. Louko finished the 2024 season with 19 hits and four home runs, including her first home run and grand slam in a win against Notre Dame (March 3).

Martin earned her second straight All-ACC Academic Team honors after 30 appearances for Virginia Tech. Martin made 12 starts as a designated player and had four home runs and 14 RBIs in 2024. She hit her first career home run and had four RBIs in the Hokies' win over UMES (March 20).

In her debut season at Tech, Mazzarone was also named to the All-ACC Second Team. She made 25 appearances with 13 starts in the circle. Mazzarone posted a 1.70 ERA during conference play and finished the season with a 9–3 record. She gave up just 54 hits and 35 walks in 71 innings of work.

McMillan was named an NFCA Second Team All-American in her first season with the Hokies. Starting in 51 games for Tech, McMillan recorded a team-leading 21 home runs and 64 RBIs, with her 21 home runs being the new single-season home run record. The 2024 All-ACC First Team selection was also named Softball America Player of the Month in April.

Ritter was one of the best to ever don the Hokie uniform, earning her second straight All-ACC Academic honors. She started all 55 games in center field and led the team in batting average (.432), runs (59) and hits (82). Ritter is also the all-time program leader with 184 points scored. Her career .377 batting average and 82 stolen bases also both rank third in Tech history.




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