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Obituary of David Harold Goode – The Detroit Free Press

Obituary of David Harold Goode – The Detroit Free Press


Born June 17, 1946 (Detroit); died on June 13, 2024

When David was about three, he and his parents visited a friend who had a piano. Like most toddlers, he was immediately drawn to the instrument and started pounding the keys. But unlike most others, David's poundings were clearly music. “You should get him piano lessons,” the friend advised his parents. They did.

David fell in love with making music, including playing bassoon in his high school band and as part of a college trio. But conquering the classical masters on the piano became a lifelong passion. Wherever he lived, neighbors opened their windows in the summer to listen to him practice. He played at friends' weddings and memorial services, donned a dress to perform for a drag show and accompanied his daughter Molly when she sang.

David grew up in a politically active household. His mother Selma was a civil rights leader who founded Westside Mothers in Detroit, and his father Bill was a labor activist, professor and author.

David graduated as valedictorian from Thurston High in Redford. He went on to earn a bachelor's degree from Harvard and three master's degrees from Stanford. He was an excellent tennis and volleyball player and a ruthless table tennis opponent. He spoke fluent German and Italian and lived in Italy for a year on a Fulbright grant.

David was a soft-spoken man and was known as a great listener who could sit quietly while others chatted on. “You thought he wasn't paying attention,” said friend Sharlene Carlson. “But he followed the conversations and then made insightful comments.” His sense of humor was equally sharp: he summarized the moment in a few words with a twist.

David was a homebody, reading books on philosophy or science and watching political commentary and PBS mysteries on TV. “I love the outdoors for 15 minutes,” he famously said. But when his son Josh joined the Boy Scouts, David became a true trooper, including weathering a mini-hurricane while camping on Angel Island. David also loved animals and, together with his wife Sue, rescued numerous stray cats and dogs.

David started his career as a software engineer at Atari in the early days of the computer revolution. He developed several patents while later working at other computer companies, including IBM.

Despite being diagnosed with Parkinson's at the age of 50, David continued to work as an engineer until he retired at the age of 67, to relax and watch his grandson Michael grow up. David has lived a life with so many obstacles, noted friend John Malloy. “David's courage and dignity are exceptional.”

David is survived by his mother Selma; wife Susan Frey; son Joshua; daughter Molly; grandson Michael Torres; two brothers and (sisters-in-law): Daniel (Eileen) and Jesse (Tawara); sister Julia; niece Kelsey; and nephews: Jacob, Ryan and Darvish; and Mordecai and Nathan Sadowsky. His father Bill has passed away.

Posted online on June 21, 2024

Published in The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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