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Kanak Jha from San Jose ready for the third Olympic Games in table tennis

Kanak Jha from San Jose ready for the third Olympic Games in table tennis


Focus is paramount in all Olympic sports and table tennis is no different. Any shortcoming can lead to immediate failure. The balls are hit across the table very quickly and one mental break can be costly. (Video player above: Keana Hunter seeking artistic swimming gold at the Olympics) Not many people understand this better than Milpitas native Kanak Jha. The Paris Games will be the 24-year-old's third appearance at the Olympics. Team USA Standout will look to leverage this experience this summer. Here's more about the Bay Area star and how table tennis works in the Olympics. A look at Jha's playing career Although he is not yet 25 years old, Jha is already one of the most decorated on the Olympic table tennis court. In 2014, Jha became the youngest-ever participant in the World Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Championship at the age of just 14. He also won the North American Cup in the men's singles division. In 2016, he had competed on the US National & Junior Team and the 2015 US World & Pan American team. In 2019, he had won his fourth straight US national title in men's singles and established himself as the best in the country. He also won a medal at the 2018 Pan American Games in men's singles (gold), men's doubles (silver) and men's team (silver). Jha's Path to the Olympics Jha made his Olympic debut for Team USA at the 2016 Games in Rio. He was the youngest American Olympic debutant ever. Even if he fell in the men's singles preliminaries, the message was clear. Jhas shares rose. He qualified again for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics and dropped out in the second round. He was only 21 at the time and his future still looked bright. However, Jha's story is not without controversy. After failing three consecutive drug tests, he was banned from official competition for one year in December 2022. Now he has worked his way back to the top of his sport by qualifying for the Summer Games through the ITTF Americas Olympic qualifying event in Lima, Peru. The once promising rising star now has the chance to finally climb the mountaintop and beat the rest of the competition in Paris. How does table tennis work at the Olympic Games? Before any confusion arises, table tennis is ping pong by another name. Table tennis is the official British name for the sport that originated as a leisure activity of the English upper class. It is the same concept as football being the American name for the original name of football from Europe. At the Olympic Games, approximately 70 men and 70 women will compete in the singles tournament. Men and women are placed in separate elimination brackets. In singles, the individual matches are won by the first player to reach 11 points, while he must win by two points. Each round is a best-of-seven series, with the first to win four matches securing promotion. 16 countries are allowed for team competitions. Opposing countries play four singles series and one doubles series per round. Each of these series is best-of-five and the winner is determined by which team wins three games.More Paris Olympics coverage: Paris Olympics: Former Kings guard Jimmer Fredette to lead Team USA 3×3 Basketball Olympics of Paris: Griffin Colapinto of San Clemente, the world's top surfer, ready for the Summer Olympics in Paris: Kareem Maddox to take the lead in the US 3×3 men's basketball in Paris

Focus is paramount in all Olympic sports and table tennis is no different.

Any shortcoming can lead to immediate failure. The balls are hit across the table very quickly and one mental break can be costly.

(Video player above: Keana Hunter searches for artistic swimming gold at the Olympics)

Not many people understand this better than Milpitas native Kanak Jha. The Paris Games will be the 24-year-old's third appearance at the Olympics. The Team USA Standout will look to capitalize on this experience this summer.

Here's more about the Bay Area star and how table tennis works in the Olympics.

A look at Jha's playing career

Although he is not yet 25 years old, Jha is already one of the most decorated on the Olympic table tennis court. In 2014, Jha became the youngest-ever participant in the World Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Championship at the age of just 14. He also won the North American Cup in the men's singles division.

In 2016, he had competed on the US National & Junior Team and the 2015 US World & Pan American team. In 2019, he had won his fourth straight US national title in men's singles and established himself as the best in the country.

He also won a medal at the 2018 Pan American Games in men's singles (gold), men's doubles (silver) and men's team (silver).

He has a path to the Olympic Games

Jha made his Olympic debut for Team USA at the 2016 Rio Games. He was the youngest-ever American Olympic debutant.

Even if he fell in the men's singles preliminaries, the message was clear. Jhas shares rose.

He qualified again for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics and dropped out in the second round. He was only 21 at the time and his future still looked bright. However, Jha's story is not without controversy. After failing three consecutive drug tests, he was banned from official competition for one year in December 2022.

Now he has worked his way back to the top of his sport by qualifying for the Summer Games through the ITTF Americas Olympic qualifying event in Lima, Peru. The once promising rising star now has the chance to finally climb the mountaintop and beat the rest of the competition in Paris.

How does table tennis work at the Olympic Games?

Before any confusion arises: Table tennis is ping pong by another name. Table tennis is the official British name for the sport that originated as a leisure activity of the English upper class. It is the same concept as football, the American name for the original name of football from Europe.

At the Olympic Games, approximately 70 men and 70 women will participate in the singles tournament. Men and women are placed in separate single elimination brackets.

In singles, the individual matches are won by the first player to reach 11 points, while he must win by two points. Each round is a best-of-seven series, with the first to win four games securing promotion.

16 countries are allowed for team competitions. Opposing countries play four singles series and one doubles series per round. Each of these series is best-of-five and the winner is determined by which team wins three matches.

More coverage of the Paris Olympics




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