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The Battersea Games return! | Battersea Power Station


Battersea Power Station will once again be home to sports and games this summer, with the return of The Battersea Games by 1st July – 8e September 2024.

Take part in an exciting variety of free family-friendly activities all summer long, or watch all the live sporting action on the big screen. Bring it on!

What is on…

Power Station Park will be transformed into London's most exciting sports centre, with a variety of activities for all ages, ranging from a 100m athletics track to a 3×3 basketball zone And a flexi space where a great mix will take place exercise lessons.

Padel pioneers, Rocket Padel, will also host a pop-up court here, ahead of the opening of Central Londons ffirst indoor padel courts on the river at Battersea Power Station later in the summer.

The Wimbledon experience presented by Ocean Outdoor and the All-England Lawn Tennis Club returns for a second year, with all the live action shown on the big screen at Power Station Park from 1 July 14.

This will be followed by all the action from the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. By 26e July 11e Augustthe Official Team GB Battersea Power Station Fanzone will showcase all the action from the Olympic Games, delivered in partnership with Team GB and Ocean Outdoor. The Paralympic Games then round off an epic summer of sports in one of the capitals Official Paralympic GamesGB Fan Zones open from 28e August the 8the Septemberalso supplied by Ocean Outdoor.

There will also be an exciting mix of interactive Olympic-inspired activities from Team GB sponsors including TikTok, Natwest, GetPro and Aldi.

Moreover, it will be so evening film screenings organized by The cinema in the power station and others summer sports competitions such as the English cricket test matches, while the Tour de France will be shown on the big screen during the Battersea Games.

In the monumental power plant of class II*, a climbing wall gives visitors the chance to race to the ceiling of Turbine Hall B and enjoy the view of the historic building. That will be the case table tennis, cycling races, fitness classes, a fast-paced football competition and events organized by the mix of sports and athleisure brands based at Battersea Power Station, as well as gigantic games from chess to connecting 4.

Foodies will rejoice Arcade Food Hall takes over the Grade II listed Coaling Jetty on the River Thames, with the exciting arrival of an outdoor pop-up, Arcade. Diners can enjoy delicious dishes from popular Arcade Food Hall brands Manna, BAO And Solis.

The pop-up adds to the more than 50 restaurants, cafes and bars now open in Battersea Power Station, including El Pastor, Where The Pancakes Are, Dishoom, tashas, ​​Brindisa Tapas, Roti King And Gordon Ramsay Bread Street Kitchen & Bar to name a few.

Brilliant grab and go options include Poke House, Kova, Leon, itsu, And M&S Food Hall, perfect for visitors who want to picnic in Power Station Park.




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