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Four-star Marcello Vitti responds to Iowa football offer | Recruiting

Four-star Marcello Vitti responds to Iowa football offer |  Recruiting


Marcello Vitti viewed the Iowa scholarship offer he received Thursday as special. He had reported offers from other strong Power 4 programs, but the Hawkeye opportunity had a different meaning.

“Iowa is very selective about who they offer,” he told HN. “The fact that the offer came from the head coach (Kirk Ferentz) and coach (Phil) Parker means a lot to me.”

Vitti (6-0, 190) was visiting Iowa City on Thursday when he heard about the offer. The versatile 2026 defensive back from Michigan has followed the Hawkeyes' history of success with Parker coaching his position and coordinating the defense.

“Coach Parker is a defensive legend. He has developed dozens of DBs for the NFL and has led some of the best defenses over the years. For him to identify me as someone who meets his standard means a lot to me,” Vitti said.

“I have put a lot of work into my technique and preparation over the past two years to go beyond my natural speed and athleticism, so his offer validates my hard work.”

Iowa organically made Vitti feel comfortable during his stop.

“I appreciated the real and genuine approach they had. There was no flash. Everyone was real and down to earth. I appreciated the direct and one-on-one conversations,” he said.

Parker and Ferentz shared with Vitti why they thought he would be a good fit as Hawkeye.

“Iowa likes my versatility on defense and the fact that I can play nickel, safety or corner. They like my speed, athleticism and physicality. They see me as a longer and bigger Geno Stone,” he said.

Stone played a strong safety role for Iowa and spent the past four seasons in the NFL.

Arkansas, Auburn, Boston College, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisville, Maryland, Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Purdue, Tennessee, Wake Forest, West Virginia, Wisconsin and others have also reportedly offered scholarships to the Dearborn (MI) Divine Child junior.

There is a good chance that there will be more offers on Vitti. And the schools already involved will make him a competitive recruit.

With the Hawkeyes coming in on Thursday, they are in a good position.

“I want to attend a home game to better understand the game day experience and the energy and culture of Iowa. I also plan to develop my relationship with Coach Parker. My parents like him very much. His record on defense and his data is clear,” he says. said.

His natural gifts, talent and positional flexibility are evident when you look at Vitti'sSophomore highlight video. He could fit in at several spots in Iowa's secondary.

Prepare Redzone ranks Vitti as the No. 3 overall '26 prospect in Michigan. The 247Sports composite has him as a four-star recruit, the fifth-best player in the state for his grade and the No. 261 student-athlete overall nationally in the cycle.




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