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Preparations in good order as the Paris qualifiers rule in Ostrava


Players focused on the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games sent a clear message from the ITTF Czech Para Open: preparations are going according to plan.

The proceedings that concluded on Saturday, June 22, saw just three men's singles titles go to players who have not qualified to compete in the French capital later in the year. In women's singles the list was total; in fact, every event was won by the top seed.

The Swedes David Olsson, the Norwegian Krizander Magnussen and the Poland Maciej Makajew emerged as players who disrupted the order.

In the men's singles class 5, Olsson defeated the turkeys Ali Ozturk (11-7, 11-7, 12-10) and the Frenchman Nicolas Savant-Aira (6-11, 11-7, 12-10, 11) in the later stages – 6), both qualifying tournaments for Paris, to seal gold.

Something else: In Class 7 for men's singles, Magnussen defeated Ireland's Patrick Vaughan to claim the top prize (11-7, 9-11, 11-9, 8-11, 11-8); notably the only final in which a Paris qualifier did not appear.

Krizander Magnussen, the surprise winner of Class 7 men's singles (Photo: David Matua)
Krizander Magnussen, the surprise winner of Class 7 men's singles (Photo: David Matua)

Surprising results, but perhaps the biggest upset was caused by Makajew in Class 11 of the men's singles, the only semi-finalist not to have booked a place for the Paralympic Games. In the penultimate round he took on the Republic of Korea Kim Gitae, the reigning world champion in what must undoubtedly be the closest decisive match of the year (11-3, 8-11, 11-8, 11-13, 18-16 ).

He later won the title at the expense of Belgian Florian van Acker, the gold medalist of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games (11-7, 9-11, 11-8, 11-7).

Defeat for Florian van Acker, but a certain consolation: in the semi-finals he took on the Hungarian Peter Palos in another gripping match that was decided with a minimum margin of two points (7-11, 11-9, 11-13, 11-12). 8, 12-10). Memorably, Palos won gold at both the 2012 Paralympic Games in London and the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

Otherwise, players who qualified for the Paris 2014 Paralympic Games enjoyed success.

In the men's singles wheelchair classes, Korea Republic enjoyed success in the form of Joo Youngdae (Class 1) and Park Jincheol (Class 2), as did Germany's Thomas Brchle (Class 3) and Japan's Kazuki Shichino (Class 4).

A determined Kazuki Shichino (Photo: David Matula)
A determined Kazuki Shichino (Photo: David Matula)

Similarly, the men's singles standing events saw gold for Romanians Bobi Simion (Class 6) and Great Britain's Josh Stacey (Class 9), alongside Poland's Piotr Grudzien (Class 8) and Igor Misztal (Class 10). .

Titles for the Korean Republic's highly rated male players, the same went for their female counterparts. Seo Suyeon (Class 1-2) and Yoon Jiyu (Class 3) enjoyed success, as did Britain's Felicity Pickard (Class 6) and Bly Twomey (Class 7).

In addition to the women's singles gold medal list, there were titles for France's Alexandre Saint-Pierre (class 4-5), Japan's Yuri Tomono (class 8), as well as for Hungary's Alexa Szvitacs (class 9-10) and Turkey Ebru . Acer (class 11).

Success in women's singles, later Alexandre Saint-Pierre, Alexa Szvitacs and Ebru Acer contributed to that success, as did Yoon Jiyu.

Alexandre Saint-Pierre partnered Flora Vautier to the women's doubles class 10 gold, a result that gave Vautier two titles; previously in the same category, she had claimed gold in the mixed doubles alongside teammate Nicolas Savant-Aira.

In a similar fashion, Alexa Szvitacs secured gold in the women's doubles class 20, teaming with Poland's Karolina Pek, the latter the winner of the mixed doubles class 17 in harness with Piotr Grudzien, the winner of the men's singles class 8.

Two titles for a very focused Piotr Grudzien (Photo: David Matula)
Two titles for a very focused Piotr Grudzien (Photo: David Matula)

In addition to his titles by succeeding in mixed doubles, Yoon Jiyu enjoyed success in Class 7 together with Kim Junggil of the Republic of Korea, winner of Class 8 in men's doubles together with colleague Kim Younggun. Ebru Acer followed in class 22 alongside Kim Gitae.

Park Jincheol and Seo Suyeon also contributed to the Republic of Korea's title win and previous success, becoming the Class 4 mixed doubles winners.

Impressive performance, in addition, Norway's Krizander Magnussen increased his gold medal, as did Great Britain's Josh Stacey, Felicity Pickard and Bly Twomey.

Together with colleagues, Krizander Magnussen won the Class 7 mixed doubles together with Nora Kornliussen, Josh Stacey teamed with Aaron McKibbin to the Class 18 men's doubles gold; Felicity Pickard and Bly Twomey won the Class 14 women's doubles together.

Meanwhile, as the game ended, the Spaniards Iker Sastre and Miguel Angel Toledo won in the men's doubles class 4, the British Paul Karabardak and Billy Shilton succeeded in class 14; Not to be overshadowed, Hong Kong's Tsoi Ming Fai and Yuen King Shing claimed Class 22 gold.

Impressive performances, in the women's doubles it was the same in class 5 for the Brazilian Catia Oliveira and Joyce Oliveira, a situation that also applied to the combination of the German Mio Wagner and the Turkish Merve Demir in the mixed doubles class 20.

Silver for Catia Oliveira in women's singles class 2, but gold in women's doubles class 5 together with Joyce Oliveira (Photo: David Matua)
Silver for Catia Oliveira in women's singles class 2, but gold in women's doubles class 5 together with Joyce Oliveira (Photo: David Matua)

The play ended in Ostrava, the next stop is Pattaya, a Factor 40 tournament and the last before the Paralympics, the four-day event starting on Sunday 21 July.

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