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Flyers trade with Jets virtually impossible for Rutger McGroarty

Flyers trade with Jets virtually impossible for Rutger McGroarty


It was revealed Saturday that top Winnipeg Jets prospect and University of Michigan executive Rutger McGroarty is trying to force his way into the NHL, explaining his decision to return to Michigan starting in April. McGroarty, who would not be promised an NHL roster spot by the Jets, is good friends with former Philadelphia Flyers prospect Cutter Gauthier.

Gauthier, as you may recall, allegedly did the same with the Flyers, eventually ceasing communication with the organization completely before being traded to Anaheim for defenseman Jamie Drysdale and a draft pick on January 8.

Gauthier has since turned pro, signing his entry-level contract on April 14 and making his NHL debut with the Ducks on April 18.

NHL insider Elliotte Friedman shared the latest episode of his “32 thoughtspodcast that McGroarty's name has “come up in trade talks,” as the young prospect tries to force his way onto the Jets' NHL roster — or any NHL roster, for that matter.

Additionally, a source told the Winnipeg Free Press that McGroarty is “an NHLer. They will regret it'. Suddenly, the Flyers aren't the only organization facing a bit of vitriol for failing to get their top young prospect a roster spot this early.

McGroarty, 20, was selected in the same draft class as Gauthier and went to Winnipeg 14th overall in the 2022 NHL Draft. The Michigan star had 52 points in just 36 NCAA games this year, so the argument that McGroarty is ready for the NHL has plenty of credibility.

Under normal circumstances, McGroarty would be the perfect target for the Flyers, and one that the Flyers would likely have to shell out a decent amount of money to acquire. But with Winnipeg's situation with the 20-year-old now very much in the public sphere – which will likely force action from the Jets – the return could not be nearly as good as what the Flyers got in the Gauthier trade. January.

Given the volatility of the situation and McGroarty's relationship with Gauthier, a Flyers trade with the Jets is virtually impossible at this stage. Sure, it's disappointing that something like this would prevent the Flyers from exploring an avenue to potentially improve the team in the short and long term, but that's the reality of doing business in the NHL sometimes.

It's safe to cross McGroarty off your offseason wish list.




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