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Bristol table tennis duo achieve world record in charity fundraiser

Bristol table tennis duo achieve world record in charity fundraiser


By means ofChloe Harcombe,BBC News, West of England

Tom Lewis Image by Dan Ives and Lloyd Gregory.  They are standing by a table tennis table. Tom Lewis

Dan Ives (L) and Lloyd Gregory (R) achieved the world record for the longest table tennis rally on Saturday

Two friends have broken the world record for the longest table tennis rally while raising money for charity.

Dan Ives and Lloyd Gregory, from Bristol, achieved the record on PingPod in Bristol on Saturday as part of a fundraising campaign for stillbirth and neonatal care charity Sands. So far they have raised more than 5,000 euros for charity.

It comes after Dan lost his daughter, Lily Rae Ives, in 2020.

The duo lasted 13 hours, 36 minutes and 36 seconds in their rally, beating the previous record by 1 hour and 46 minutes.

Mr Ives and Mr Gregory, who describe themselves as “table tennis nuts”, started their ongoing meeting at 7am BST on Saturday.

The whole challenge was streamed live on Mr. Ives' YouTube channel, dedicated to the sport.

Physically it is tough. It's very repetitive,” the 34-year-old said.

“You'll soon start to feel pain in your body, whether it's your shoulder or arm.

'Mentally it is difficult. The number of times you find yourself thinking: Should we just stop?' he added.

Tom Lewis Image by Dan Ives and Lloyd Gregory.  They stand near a table tennis table and a clock that reads 13 hours 36 minutes and 36 seconds. Tom Lewis

The pair held a rally of 13 hours, 36 minutes and 36 seconds

Mr Gregory, 33, said: “The concentration you have to maintain to keep an eye on that little white ball and keep it going was on another level.”

Both said the 'physical and mental battle' was 'tense', especially as they approached the eleven-and-a-half hour mark – close to the former world record.

“It was so nerve-wracking. I was shaking, I could barely hold my bat,” Mr Ives said.

As soon as we hit the plate, I felt the tension disappear and the pain decrease a little,” Gregory added.

“My bat felt a little lighter. It was a relief.”

Since losing his daughter four years ago, Mr Ives has tried to organize annual fundraising events in her memory as part of the “Lily's Legacy” initiative.

After her death, he and his wife were supported by Sands, so he wanted to give something back.

Mr Ives said the money will “help enormously”, allowing the charity to continue its work reaching parents and organizing activities and events to help them through their grief.

You have the feeling that you are not alone, and we really liked that.

“It helped me and my wife a lot,” he added.




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