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Oregon football has an impressive roster of recruits and multiple five-star prospects

Oregon football has an impressive roster of recruits and multiple five-star prospects


Coach Dan Lanning continues to attract top recruits from across the country for official visits this past weekend.

Within this group, the Ducks welcome several 5-star prospects. Overall, Oregon is home to a total of 17 recruits, 16 of whom are ranked in the top 300 overall, and seven of whom are ranked in the top 100 nationally. So don't be surprised if Lanning and his staff officially welcome some exceptionally talented athletes after the weekend.

Here are just a few that stand out in this class.

Dakorien Moore is currently ranked as the No. 1 wide receiver in the country. Moore's choice appears to have come down to four teams: Oregon, LSU, Texas and Ohio State. His ranking is well deserved considering his freshman year of high school. He finished with over 1,500 receiving yards and 18 touchdowns. He also ran a 10.4 in the 100 meter sprint. Not only is Moore fast, but he also has the ability to create separation – a key element to becoming a top-tier receiver in the Big Ten Conference.

Another wideout that deserves attention is Dallas Wilson, a 5-star receiver from Florida. In the mix for his talents are Florida, Florida State and Miami state schools. While the Ducks already have a commitment from Wilson, these other schools will continue to work on a flip. The fact that Wilson is back in Oregon after completing his other official visits bodes well for the Ducks.

The next candidate of interest is five-star Texas linebacker Jonah Williams. This defensive star stands out for the fact that he can play in many different positions on the field. Williams is a modern-era linebacker often compared to former Duck star and Chicago Bears draft pick Noah Sewell. While the similarities between the two are clear, Williams possesses the ability to tackle blocks and work in open space.

November 19, 2022;  Eugene, Oregon, USA;  Oregon Ducks linebacker Noah Sewell (1) cheers on fans during the first half against the

November 19, 2022; Eugene, Oregon, USA; Oregon Ducks linebacker Noah Sewell (1) cheers on fans during the first half against the Utah Utes at Autzen Stadium. Mandatory credits: Troy Wayrynen-USA TODAY Sports / Troy Wayrynen-USA TODAY Sports

Recruited as an athlete, Texas native Michael Terry is one of the more unique players in the class of 2025. Those who have watched him believe he can play multiple positions, including tight end, wide receiver, running back, edge rusher and defense back. Terry has offers from Duke, Georgia Tech, Baylor, Nebraska, Notre Dame, Purdue and Texas, to name a few.

The next five-star performer is Ohio native and safety Trey McNutt. The competition for his services mainly takes place at the state of Ohio. That's not his only option, of course, as McNutt has received offers from a wide range of programs, including Florida, Oklahoma, Notre Dame, Georgia, along with most of the teams in the Big Ten, such as Oregon, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State. , Wisconsin and Purdue. Obviously an understatement that this is a coveted footballer. The Ducks like his athleticism and ability to play multiple positions. This may be a gamble for Oregon, but it won't hurt to get McNutt in Eugene.

Our final featured player is super athlete DJ Pickett, a cornerback from Florida. He excels in four sports: football, baseball, track and field and basketball. Pickett is projected as a cornerback or a safety. With his length and speed, he has the tools to cover receivers and get to the boundaries. He currently has offers from LSU, Georgia, Miami, Florida and of course the Ducks. Right now it looks like LSU is the frontrunner, but a good visit to Eugene this weekend could put Oregon in contention for Picketts' services.

November 19, 2022;  Eugene, Oregon, USA;  Oregon Ducks linebacker Noah Sewell (1) cheers on fans during the first half against the

Oregon wide receiver Troy Franklin celebrates a touchdown as the No. 6 Oregon Ducks take on the No. 16 Oregon State Beavers on Friday, November 24, 2023 at Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon. / Ben Lonergan / USA TODAY NETWORK

Although Lanning and his assistant coaches have an excellent track record of finding and signing talented football players, he likely won't get all the players he wants. However, the Ducks are trending and could easily end up in the top five of the 2025 recruiting class. All of this points to the need to build a national championship program, something Ducks fans desire more than anything.

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