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Missouri Football Recruitment: Three-star cornerback Mark Manfred commits to Mizzou Football


This weekend was a huge recruiting weekend for the Mizzou Football program as many high-profile recruits scheduled official visits to Columbia.

Mizzous Future quarterback Matt Zollers did some of his own recruiting this weekend.

It turns out we still have a commitment for the Mizzous 2025 recruitment course.

Following his official visit, Mark Manfred, a three-star cornerback from Marietta, Georgia, has announced his commitment to Missouri.

Manfred becomes the second defensive back in the Mizzous 2025 class, joining Dyllon Williams.

On3 Sports reports this, Be madam and Miami were two of the favorites to get Manfred on their Recruiting Prediction Machine, but Eli Drinkwitz and Missouri have won yet another recruiting battle.

With the addition of Manfred, Mizzou currently has a Top 25 ranking for recruiting classes 25th on Rivals, 23rd on 247SportsAnd 18th via On3.

There will certainly be more to come, so head on over Rock M Plus for additional recruiting coverage.

Welcome to Mizzou, Mark! MIZ!

Residence: Marietta, Georgia

Secondary school: Sprayberry High School

Position: Cornerback

Ht/wt: 62, 175 pounds

247Composite rankings: Three stars, 0.8785

On3 ranking: Three stars, 88.01

Rivals ranking: Three stars, 5.6

Total announced offers: 38

Offers to note: USC, West Virginia, Cincinnati, Georgia Tech, Ole Miss, Miami

Manfred provides a lot of great coverage at the cornerback position, with some impressive interceptions as well.

Mizzou 2025 Commitment List

Pos Recruit name residence Date of commitment Rivals rate Rivals rank On3 rate On3 rank 247 Rate 247 Rank Ht Weight
Pos Recruit name residence Date of commitment Rivals rate Rivals rank On3 rate On3 rank 247 Rate 247 Rank Ht Weight
QB Matt Zollers Royersford, PA 4/4/2024 4 stars 5.8 5 stars 0.9534 4 stars 0.9597 6'3″ 200
D.T Jason Dowell Belleville, Illinois 04-19-2024 4 stars 5.8 3 star 0.8797 3 star 0.8842 6'4″ 290
LB Dante McClellan Canton, OH 4/22/2024 4 stars 5.8 4 stars 0.8902 4 stars 0.8918 6'3″ 212
BY Joshua Lewis Geismar, LA 4/22/2024 3 star 5.6 3 star 0.8700 3 star 0.8700 6'4.5″ 245
OT Jack Lange Eureka, MO 4/24/2024 4 stars 5.8 4 stars 0.9157 4 stars 0.9390 6'8″ 275
LB Jason King St. Louis, MO 27-04-2024 3 star 5.5 3 star 0.8467 3 star 0.8467 6'1″ 210
BY Deeden Hopkins Hermann, MO 04-30-2024 3 star 5.7 4 stars 0.8924 4 stars 0.8940 6'6″ 210
OEL Henry Fenuku Fort Worth, Texas 10-06-2024 3 star 5.6 4 stars 0.8891 3 star 0.8878 6'4″ 295
S Dyllon Williams Demopolis, AL 6/11/2024 3 star 5.7 3 star 0.8553 3 star 0.8700 6'2″ 180
RB Jamarion Morrow Germantown, TN 14-06-2024 4 stars 5.9 4 stars 0.9021 4 stars 0.9110 5'9″ 180
5.72 0.8895 0.8954




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