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KALAMAZOO, Mich. The Kalamazoo Wings, ECHL affiliate of the National Hockey League's Vancouver Canucks, announced Monday that they are the first professional hockey team to become an official NHL STREET operator.

The K-Wings will host two for free NHL STREET Youth camps in Kalamazoo on Wednesday, July 17 and Wednesday, August 14 for youth participants aged 7 to 12. The K-Wings expect the NHL STREET Leagues to begin in the summer of 2025.

The K-Wings are proud to partner with NHL STREET and provide viable access to our game to Kalamazoo children and families, said Toni Will, General Manager and Governor of Kalamazoo Wings. We see the value of hockey year-round in Kalamazoo and are excited to make this investment so local youth can have fun and grow the game. We are excited to be the first ECHL team to partner with this great organization.

Both free camps in 2024 will take place on Kalamazoos North Side, and the team will partner with local nonprofits (to be named) for participant registration. This marks the beginning of a growing investment in NHL STREET for local youth.

The Kalamazoo Wings integration of the NHL STREET program is a fantastic step in expanding the reach and appeal of hockey, and a demonstration of the great things that happen when we work together in the hockey ecosystem, said Kevin Westgarth, NHL Vice President of Hockey Development and Strategic Partnerships. The enthusiasm and commitment of the K-Wings organization to take on this initiative underscores their commitment to community growth and youth engagement. We are incredibly excited about inspiring the next generation of hockey players and fans and deepening the hockey connection in our communities.

Founded in 2023, NHL STREET is the premier ball hockey experience designed to give kids ages 6 to 16 and their families the best of what youth sports can be: having fun, staying active, making friends and creating great memories.

“The launch of the NHL Street program by the Kalamazoo Wings represents an exciting new chapter for our communities and the sport of hockey,” said ECHL Commissioner Ryan Crelin. It opens the door for countless young fans to experience the fun of hockey in an accessible, inclusive environment. This initiative not only aligns with our mission to grow the game at the grassroots level, but also embodies the spirit of innovation and community engagement we strive for in the ECHL. We are excited to support the K-Wings in this endeavor and look forward to witnessing the positive impact this will have on our fans and future players as we hope to see this program expand into even more ECHL markets to develop.”

NHL STREET brings new style, energy and gameplay to the sport, offering families an affordable, neighborhood-based model that allows children across North America to learn and play hockey. A year later, NHL STREET has more than 100 league operators across the US and Canada, with more than 2,500 youth enjoying street hockey, even in places where hockey was previously unavailable.

“I have been passionate about bringing hockey to downtown Kalamazoo for years,” said Joel Martin, Kalamazoo Wings head coach and director of hockey operations. I'm excited to introduce the game with camps on the north side of Kalamazoo this summer, and just as excited to bring the game throughout the city in the coming years.

By working together with RCX Sportsthe leader in youth sports experiences, and local nonprofits, the K-Wings are bringing the game to a new generation and breaking down the barriers for youth athletes to participate in sports.

At RCX Sports, our mission is to create the best sports experiences for youth while reducing barriers to entry to ensure every child has access, said Tom Garavaglia, director of NHL STREET for RCX Sports. We are grateful to the K-Wings for their support and investment in the future of local children through these camps. We know sports have the power to change lives, and I'm excited to see the impact in Kalamazoo.




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