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Emma Raducanu confident of 'good things' ahead of return to Wimbledon after rekindling love of tennis | Tennis news

Emma Raducanu confident of 'good things' ahead of return to Wimbledon after rekindling love of tennis |  Tennis news


Emma Raducanu is confident “100 per cent good things will happen” after rekindling her love of tennis before returning to Wimbledon.

The 21-year-old will continue his preparations for the All England Club by taking on former US Open champion Sloane Stephens in the first round of the Rothesay International in Eastbourne on Tuesday.

Raducanu has struggled with form and injuries since winning the 2021 qualifier at Flushing Meadows and missing last year's grass court season after surgery on both wrists and one ankle.

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Emma Raducanu is looking forward to her return to the grass after missing last season and is 'super grateful' because she is 'so healthy'

She admits her passion for competition is the highest she has been for a “long, long time” as she works her way back into the top 100.

“I'm really looking forward to it at the moment. I just love the sport, I love tennis,” Raducanu said. “It has taken me over and I have really rekindled the light in the fire within me.

“I'm very grateful to have this feeling again because it's something that I've missed in a way over the last few years and I haven't felt very good about my tennis – I was just enthusiastic and passionate about it – before a long, long time.

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Former British tennis player Naomi Broady explores what the future could hold for fellow Brits Andy Murray and Emma Raducanu and suggests Murray could retire at Wimbledon

“Now it's really reassuring for me because I'm much less focused on the result, because I know that with the way I train, the way I compete and fight on the field, 100 percent good things will happen. I now have complete confidence in that and I can say it and mean it at the same time, instead of just saying it.”

Raducanu recently reached the semi-finals of the Rothesay Open in Nottingham, where she was defeated by British No. 1 Katie Boulter. After opting to skip the French Open, she has been given a wild card for Wimbledon and believes performing on home soil is extra motivation for all British players.

Emma Raducanu reacts during the women's semi-final against Katie Boulter on day seven of the Rothesay Open at the Lexus Nottingham Tennis Centre, Nottingham.  Date of photo: Sunday June 16, 2024.
Emma Raducanu impressed at the Rothesay Open before losing to Katie Boulter in the semi-finals

“I'm having a lot of fun playing in Great Britain. Obviously I missed it last year, and it's fun. You kind of forget the feeling,” Raducanu added. “I think during this period you would push your body further to play.

“I think we (British players) all really live for it, we come alive, we put our clay boots in the bin quite early and then get on the grass. We push ourselves more for this and understand the implications that can mean .” shouldn't be there.”

Battle Kenin after Rybakina retreats

British No. 2 Harriet Dart advanced to the second round in Eastbourne by winning a marathon three-set epic against Marie Bouzkova.

Harriet Dart secured a dramatic victory in her Eastbourne opener

The 27-year-old wildcard fought back from a double break and a 4-1 deficit to take the opening set and, after falling agonizingly short on that performance in the second, eventually took the lead 7-5 6-7 (7) 6 -4 in just under three and a half hours.

Dart was initially scheduled to face top seed Elena Rybakina in the second round but will now face American lucky loser Sofia Kenin after the 2022 Wimbledon champion withdrew from the tournament due to a schedule change.

“It was an incredible match, so many ups and downs,” said world number 105 Dart, who revealed she was struggling with wisdom tooth pain during a chaotic encounter on Center Court.

“Marie is an incredible fighter and always makes things difficult. I'm very happy that it went my way this time.”

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