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2024 FCS Top 25: No. 8 Sacramento State Football Preview


Sacramento State is ranked No. 8 in the HERO Sports FCS Preseason Top 25.

The Hornets finished 8-5 last year and exited the FCS second round with a 34-24 loss at South Dakota.

Here's a look at Sac State's 2024 football team.


Returning 2023 All-Conference Players (4)

First team
OL Jackson Slater

Second team
WR Jared Gipson

Honorable mention
OL Nathan Mejia
P Cal McGough

D1 Transfer portal move

Transfers from the FCS (3)
Colby Warkentin (DL), Abilene Christian
Murvin Kenion (DB), Idaho
Will Leota (LB), Utah Tech

Transfers from the FBS (8)
Dejuan Butler (DB), Cal
Bryson Summers (OL), Coast Carolina
Jalen Williams (DB), Fresno State
Jay Rudolph (TE), San Diego State
Joshua Nicholson (WR), San Diego State
Joey Wright (OL), San Diego State
Makai Cope (WR), Utah
TangiTangi Pongia (OL), UTEP

Transfers lost to the FCS (0)

Transfers lost to the FBS (4)
Kinnick Manley (LS) to FIU
Connor Stutz (P) to UConn
DeShawn Lynch (DL) to Washington
Cameron Broussard (DB) to Washington

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Offensive prospects

After scoring 30.5 points per game a season ago (No. 26 in the FCS), Sac State returns its starting quarterback, All-Conference wide receiver, No. 2/3/4 running backs and five offensive linemen who at least six started. 2023 games.

Quarterback Kaiden Bennett had a breakout season last year, his first as a starter. Bennett, a 2023 junior, went 182/283 passing (64.3%) for 2,192 yards, 16 touchdowns and eight interceptions while finishing second on the team with 577 rushing yards (130 attempts) and six touchdowns.

Sac State also brings back QB Carson Conklin, a three-star recruit who starred in limited action as a true freshman last year. Conklin played in the final four games of the regular season, including two starts, and retained his redshirt via the four-game rule. He finished 51/94 for 744 yards, six touchdowns and two interceptions.

While Carlos Hill led the Hornets last year with 50 catches for 692 yards and five touchdowns, Jared Gipson was an All-Big Sky Second Team selection at wide receiver. Hill has left while Gipson returns. Gipson had 38 catches for 657 yards and four touchdowns last fall, leading the Big Sky with 17.3 yards per reception. WRs Anderson Grover (34 catches, 431 yards, 3 TDs) and Devin Gandy (33 catches, 412 yards, 4 TDs) are also back after finishing third and fourth in receiving team.

In the backfield, the Hornets lose their top rusher Marcus Fulcher (590 yards, 8 touchdowns). Similar to how Fulcher had limited carries in 2022 while sitting behind Cameron Skattebo and then starred in 2023, Elijah Tau-Tolliver seems poised to do the same this year. Last season, Tau-Tolliver rushed for 387 yards and seven touchdowns on just 64 attempts (6.0 yards per carry). Ezra Moleni (276 meters) and Zeke Burnett (216 yards, 1 TD) also return.

The offensive line has been a strength for Sac State, and that looks to continue this fall. Five players who started at least six games last year are back. All American Jackson Slater (6’4″ 306 lbs) and All-Big Sky Nathan Mejia (6’3″ 299 lbs) leads the unit. Aidan Meek (6'5″ 290 lbs) started nine games, Kaden Richardson (6’3″ 280 lbs) started with six, and Kennel Riley (6’3″ 336 lbs) started six.

Some FBS transfers also appear to be having an impact: Coastal Carolina OL Bryson SummersSan Diego State TE Jay RudolphSan Diego State WR Joshua NicholsonSan Diego State OL Joey WrightUtah W.R Officer Copeand UTEPOL Tangi Tangi Pongia.

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Defensive prospects

Sac State's defense has regressed in recent seasons, from 19.1 points allowed per game in 2021, 25.9 in 2022 and 27.2 last year (70th in the FCS). Improvement is expected under Andy Thompson, now in his second season as head coach and with a defensive background.

But in 2024 it will become a new unit.

Only one of Sac State's top 11 tacklers returns. Gavin Davis-Smith is back at Nickelback after ranking fourth on the team with 64 tackles, including 2.5 TFLs, one sack, two interceptions and five pass breakups.

Defensive end Josh Cashiola looks to step up after being part of the d-line rotation last year, totaling 27 tackles, 4.5 TFLs, two sacks and three quarterback hurries.

The Hornets will lean on some transfers to fill major holes. Linebacker Will Leota was a nice addition via the portal. The three-time All-Conference selection at Utah Tech totaled 213 tackles in three seasons. Safety Murvin Kenion III is from Idaho. He had a strong 2022 season, totaling 36 tackles, 2.5 tackles for loss and four interceptions. Colby Warkentin is a big defensive lineman from Abilene Christian at 6-foot-4 and 265 pounds. He tallied 16 tackles, 2.5 TFLs and 1.5 sacks.

Cal nickel back Dejuan Butler and Fresno State nickelback Jalen Williams Enter from the FBS. Butler and Williams were three-star recruits out of high school.

Preview Preseason 2024 Central

8/29 at San Jose State
9/7 at Fresno State
September 14 vs. RV Nicholls
Sept. 21 at Texas A&M Commerce
September 28 in Northern Arizona
10/12 vs. Eastern Washington

10/19 vs. No. 22 Weber State
10/26 in Idaho State

11/2 vs. Portland State
11/9 at #4 Montana State
11/16 at Cal Poly
11/23 vs. #21UC Davis

Bold indicates Big Skygames
HERO Sports Rankings
RV = Votes received

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