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David Warner is bidding a quiet farewell to international cricket

David Warner is bidding a quiet farewell to international cricket


IMAGE: David Warner's international career came to an anti-climactic end after Afghanistan's stunning victory over Bangladesh eliminated Australia from the T20 World Cup. Photo: Ash Allen/Reuters

Australian batsman David Warner's 15-year international career, littered with glorious achievements and controversies, has come to an anticlimax after Afghanistan defeated Bangladesh to eliminate the former champions from the T20 World Cup at the Super Eight stage.

Australia, the 2021 champions, finished third in the Super 8s Group 1 table with just two points – from the win against Bangladesh. They had suffered a shocking loss to Afghanistan and a humbling defeat to India.

The 37-year-old Warner, who made his international debut in a T20I match in January 2009, left international cricket on a quiet note, with Australia's 24-run loss to India on June 24 at Gros Islet being his last match.

There was no guard of honor or standing ovation, befitting one of Australia's greatest hitters of all time. He fell for just six in his last international match, caught at the slip of Arshdeep Singh as he left the field head down, not knowing if that was his last match.

Warner's retirement was gradual. He played his last ODI match in the World Cup final win over India in November 2023 and his last Test against Pakistan in January. He has long indicated that this T20 World Cup would be his last tournament.

He retires as Australia's highest scorer and seventh most prolific batsman in the world in T20 format with 3,277 runs from 110 matches, at an average of 33.43 and a strike rate of 142.47. He scored one hundred and twenty-eight fifties in the shortest format.

From 112 Tests, he has scored 8,786 runs at an average of 44.59 between 2011 and 2024, with 26 hundreds and 37 fifties.

He also scored 6,932 runs from 161 ODI matches at an average of 45.30 with the help of 22 centuries and 33 half-centuries.

IMAGE: David Warner retires as Australia's highest scorer in T20 Internationals, with 3277 runs from 110 matches, at an average of 33.43. Photo: Ash Allen/Reuters

Warner, who has 49 centuries of experience across formats and almost 19,000 runs in international cricket, had acknowledged that his name will forever be linked to the sandpaper gate scandal that took place at Newlands, Cape Town during a Test match against South Africa in 2018.

Warner's involvement in the Newlands Test scandal, when Cameron Bancroft used sandpaper to sand the ball, earned him a one-year ban, the same punishment as that of then skipper Steven Smith.

Warner was also banned for life from taking on a leadership role in the Australian cricket set-up.

“I think it will be inevitable that in 20 or 30 years' time, when people talk about me, there will always be a sandpaper scandal,” he said on North Sound last week, ahead of Australia's Super 8 match against Bangladesh.

“But for me, if they are true cricket tragics and love cricket, (and my closest supporters too) they will always see me as that cricketer – someone who tried to change the game.

“Someone who tried to follow in the footsteps of the openers before me and score runs at a high rate and change Test cricket in a way.”

Warner was also part of IPL side Sunrisers Hyderabad from 2014 to 2021 and led the franchise to its only IPL title in 2016.




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