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An early look at UCLA Bruins football heading into 2024

An early look at UCLA Bruins football heading into 2024


Of the four teams entering the Big Ten this fall, UCLA is by far in the worst shape. The offseason changes leave the Bruins with an almost entirely new coaching staff and a depleted roster on the defensive side of the ball. To make matters worse, they lost much of that talent and coaching to their new Big Ten foes.

Let's recap the offseason and see where the Bruins are headed in 2024.

The base

2023 record: 8-5; 4-5

Projected wins for 2024: 5.5 (DraftKings Sportsbook)

Lattice movements

Key NFL draft To lose: DE Laitu Latu (Indianapolis foals) and LB Darius Muassau (New York Giants

Main returns: CB Elijah Jackson, LB Alphonzo Tuputala, Edge Voi Tunuufi

Most important true freshmen: WR Kwazi Gilmer

Additions to the key collection portal: Rand Collins Acheampong, QB Dermaricus Davis, OT Michael Carmody, CB KJ Wallace

Key Transfer Portal Deductions: QB Dante Moore, WR Kyle Ford, S Kamari Ramsey, CB John Humphrey

For a complete list of every addition and subtraction from the transfer portal click here.

State of the program

For much of the 2023 season, the UCLA Bruins hovered around the top-25. In the final season of the Chip Kelly era, the defense atypically carried the Bruins for most of the year. The unit ranked 14th in the nation and allowed just 18.4 points per game. That's why the team went 8-5 with a mediocre offense at best.

Five-star freshman Dante Moore struggled, causing an unexpected quarterback controversy in Los Angeles, with Ethan Garbers becoming the starter near the end of the season. Ultimately, Moore entered the transfer portal and all signs point to Garbers being the starter again in 2024.

In a stunning offseason move, Kelly was hired as State of Ohios offensive coordinator. Along with the move, defensive coordinator DAnton Lynn went across the street to take on the same role at rival USC.

Suddenly in need of an entirely new coaching staff, UCLA promoted DeShaun Foster, a former All-American running back for the Bruins, from running backs coach to head coach. This will be Foster's first time as a head coach, and he finds himself in the heat of one of the top two conferences in college football.

Foster hired Eric Beiniemy as his offensive coordinator, a veteran offensive mind with two Super Bowls under his belt with Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs. He coaches an offense with quality weapons as Garbers returns for his senior season, junior running back TJ Harden is coming off a nearly 1,000-yard total year and the team's two leading receivers, J. Michael Sturdivant and Logan Loya, return.

Defensively, UCLA lost two of their starters to the portal. Former Washington co-defensive coordinator Ikaika Malloe will now be the signal caller for the Bruins. Only three defensive starters return for UCLA, so it will largely be a new group and system for the team with a unit unlikely to match last season's performance.

It will be a tough season for the Bruins as they open the Big Ten season in Week 2 against a hungry Indiana squad hoping to prove a point in their first conference game under Curt Cignetti. Then they go to LSU, host Oregon and travel to Penn State for their next three games. UCLA also has a brutal four-game stretch at Nebraska, a night game against Iowa, at Washington and then against USC to wrap up conference play.

This program is unlikely to be much better than .500, if they even get there, in their first season in the Big Ten with a first-time head coach.




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