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Pavel Datsyuk Elected to Hockey Hall of Fame Class of 2024

Pavel Datsyuk Elected to Hockey Hall of Fame Class of 2024


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Two-time Stanley Cup Champion scored 918 points in 953 games with Red Wings from 2001-2016

Mike Gartner, chairman of the Hockey Hall of Fame Selection Committee, today announced that former Detroit Red Wings forward Pavel Datsyuk has been elected to Hockey Hall of Fame Honored Membership in the player category.

Datsyuk, who was elected in his first year of eligibility, played 14 seasons with the Red Wings from 2001 to 2016 and ranks among the franchise's all-time leaders with 953 games played (T9th), 314 goals (T8th), 604 assists (T6th), 918 points (T7th), a plus-249 rating (T3rd), 97 power-play goals (T9th), 330 power-play points (T6th), eight overtime goals (T5th), 51 game-winning goals (T8th) and 2,244 shots faced (T9th). The 45-year-old won or tied Detroit's lead in six consecutive seasons (2003-04 to 2009-10), including back-to-back 97-point campaigns in 2007-08 and 2008-09. Datsyuk was honored as one of the NHL's 100 Greatest Players as part of the league's centennial celebration in 2017.

“I would like to congratulate Pavel on his induction into the Hockey Hall of Fame,” said Red Wings Governor and CEO Christopher Ilitch. Pavel was one of the most talented players in the history of the league and had Red Wings fans around the world on the edge of their seats every time he touched the puck. Throughout his career he was consistently recognized for his great defensive play, a testament to how great all-round talent he truly was. The Magic Man created so many incredible memories for our fans and played an integral role in bringing two Stanley Cup championships to the city of Detroit. Congratulations again, Pavel, on this great achievement.

Datsyuk helped the Red Wings clinch 14 consecutive Stanley Cup playoff spots and ranks among the team's all-time postseason leaders with 157 games played (8th), 42 goals (T8th), 71 assists (5th), 113 points ( 6th), a plus-34 rating (4th), 15 power play goals (T6th), 38 power play points (T7th), seven game-winning goals (T10th) and 424 shots (5th). He was a member of Detroit's Stanley Cup-winning team as a rookie in 2002, compiling six points (3-3-6) in 21 postseason games. Datsyuk also led the Red Wings to a Stanley Cup championship in 2008, with 23 points (10-13-23) in 22 playoff games, including a hat trick in Game 3 of the 2008 Western Conference Final against the Dallas Stars.

Datsyuk was selected by the Red Wings in the sixth round (171st overall) of the 1998 NHL Entry Draft, made his NHL debut in 2001–02 and played in the 2002 NHL YoungStars Game. He was selected in 2008–09 the NHL's Second All-Star Team after recording 97 points (32-65-97), a plus-34 rating and 22 penalty minutes in 81 games. Datsyuk was selected to four NHL All-Star Games (2004, 2008, 2009, 2012), although he did not participate in the 2009 edition due to injury. Datsyuk was named a receiver four times in a row from 2005–06 to 2008–09 of the Lady Byng Memorial Trophy, awarded annually to the player who has demonstrated the best kind of sportsmanship and friendly behavior combined with a high level of playing ability. He also earned the Frank J. Selke Trophy as the NHL's top defensive forward in three consecutive seasons, from 2007-08 to 2009-10. Additionally, Datsyuk won the NHL Plus-Minus Award in 2007–08 after leading all skaters with a plus-41 rating.

Congratulations to Pavel on this extremely well-deserved honor, said Red Wings Executive Vice President and General Manager Steve Yzerman. Pavel's world-class skills made him one of the best one-on-one players of all time, but his high-end competition and work ethic separated him from his peers. He was a dynamic force who excelled on both ends of the ice and in all situations. He was an exceptional player and will rightly take his place among the greats of the game come November.

Born in Yekaterinburg, Russia, Datsyuk is also a member of the exclusive Triple Gold Club and won a gold medal representing his country at the 2012 IIHF World Championship in Helsinki, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden, before leading the Olympic athletes from Russia to a gold medal at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Datsyuk also captured a silver medal at the 2010 IIHF World Championship and was named the tournament's best forward after recording seven points (6-1-7) in six games. On the international stage, Datsyuk has competed in five Winter Olympics (2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018), seven IIHF World Championships (2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018) and two Hockey World Cup events (2004, 2016). Induction weekend festivities last from Friday, November 8 to Sunday, November 10, culminating with the Induction Celebration on Monday, November 11 in Toronto, Ont.




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