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Six Marquette Student-athletes are CSC Academic All-District

Six Marquette Student-athletes are CSC Academic All-District


MILWAUKEE Six Marquette University student-athletes have been named CSC AcademicAll-District, the College Sports Communicators announced Tuesday.

Men's golf's Max Lyonmen's lacrosse players Bobby O'Grady And Mason Woodwardand women's lacrosse players Leigh Steiner, Faith Chmielewski And Samantha Galvin were named to the 2023-2024 Academic All-District teams.

Lyons, O'Grady, Woodward and Steiner each advance to the national ballot for Academic All-America to be voted on by CSC members later this month. NCAA Women's At-Large Academic All-America First, Second and Third Team Honorees will be announced on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. The Men's At-Large Teams will be announced on Wednesday, July 17.

The 2024 Academic All-District Men's and Women's At-Large teams, selected by College Sports Communicators, recognize the nation's top student-athletes for their combined achievements in competition and in the classroom. The CSC Academic All-America program individually recognizes at-large honorees in four divisions NCAA Division I, NCAA Division II, NCAA Division III and NAIA.

For more information about the CSC Academic All-District and Academic All-America Teams program,

Max Lyonmen's golf, Jr. (Phoenix, Ariz.)

Sporting a 3.977 GPA in finance, the nation's 22nd ranked undergraduate business specialty program, according to U.S. News & World Report… In MU's highly selective AIM program – the first CFA Institute partner in the nation… BIG EAST All-Academic Team…2023 GCAA All-American Scholar…Dean's List 2023-24 BIG EAST Conference Player of the Year…All-BIG EAST First Team…Team-best 72.33 stroke scoring average with 17 rounds of par-or-better (T-7th in MU history) and five rounds in the 60s 3x All-BIG EAST selection (first team in 2022-23 & 2023-24 and second team in 2021-22). .. 2021-22 BIG EAST Freshman of the Year … Owner of BIG EAST Championships all-time lowest men's round (64 in first round in 2022 at Callaway Gardens) Third all-time in Marquette history in career scoring average ( 72.47) and score-to-par…Fifth in MU history with 45 career rounds of par-or-better…Fifth in MU history in individual low round (64) and sixth in individual low tournament (205) Involved in a number of volunteer activities on and off campus in Milwaukee, including with Journey21, a nonprofit organization that provides supportive living and learning options for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)… Men's Bible Study Group Leader from Marquette Volunteer from Epikos Church Kids Ministry Virtual Homework Tutor from Literacy Services of Wisconsin.

Bobby O'GradyMen's Lacrosse, Jr. (Milton, MA)

2023 CSC Academic All-District…Two-time BIG EAST All-Academic Team…Dean's List and Athletic Director's Honor Roll every semester Achieves a 3.841 GPA…In MU's highly selective AIM program – CFA Institute's first in-the-nation partner , who manages an investment portfolio for MU Marquette's all-time leader in goals (114) and man-up percentage (22); third in points…MU single-game leader for goals (8) and points (8)…Only player in MU history with two 40-goal seasons (45 goals as a freshman and 43 in 2023).. . Possessed 19 hat tricks and five sock tricks (6 goals in one game) Broke MU's record in the fifth game of 2024 … Team scoring leader for the third year in a row with 26 goals … Total 34 points … Scored four goals against No. 1 Notre Dame on February 18 Three-time All-BIG EAST (first team in 2022 and second team in both 2023 and 2024) … 2022 BIG EAST Freshman of the Year … Holds BIG EAST single-game scoring record ( 8 goals at St. John's in 2022) … Was 15th in NCAA in 2022 in goals per game (3.07) Involved in MKE Lacrosse and taught the sport of lacrosse to children in the Milwaukee community and on other team service projects.

Mason Woodward, men's lacrosse, Gr. (Towson, Maryland)

One of the most decorated student-athletes in Marquette history Only four-time team captain and four-time USILA All-American in program history Four-time All-BIG EAST selection, was unanimously selected to the league's first team in 2021, 2023 and 2024 First round pick of the Utah Archers in the 2024 Premier Lacrosse League draft caused turnovers (6) and ground balls by a non-faceoff specialist (12) Top 40 all-time in NCAA history among non-faceoff specialists with 265 career ground balls Completed bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology in May 2023 with a cumulative GPA of 3.818 and completed a Certificate in Sports Leadership in May 2024 with a GPA of 3.833 Four-time BIG Selection to the EAST All-Academic Team Athletics Director Honor Roll and member of the Dean's List by semester at MU 2023 CSC Academic All-District… Included in Chi Alpha Sigma, an honor society for Jesuit colleges and universities Winner of Marquette's 2023 McCahill Award, the highest honor given to an MU student-athlete, recognizing achievements in athletics, scholarship and service.

Leigh Steiner, women's lacrosse, Gr. (Eden Prairie, Minnesota)

2024 BIG EAST Midfielder of the Year All-BIG EAST First Team Selection IWLCA All-West/Midwest Second Team 2024 Team Captain Finished season with sixth-most goals (45) and fourth-most shots (121) in a season in program history Ended career with ninth-most goals in program history (89), eighth-most shots (224), ninth-most shots on goal (158), and fifth-most open-position goals (21) 3.98 GPA in graduate school, which earned her earned Master of Business Administration 3.93 Bachelor's GPA with major in Finance and Real Estate and minor in Spanish Athletic Director Honor Roll every semester at MU Four times BIG EAST All-Academic team selection Inducted into Chi Alpha Sigma, honor society for Jesuit colleges and universities Involved with MKE Lacrosse, where he teaches the sport of lacrosse to children in the Milwaukee community, as well as other team service projects.

Believe Chmielewskiwomen's lacrosse, Sr. (Westminster, Maryland)

Started all 17 games on defense Ranked second on team in ground balls (29) and created turnovers (18) 3.92 GPA Earned her Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences Currently in Marquette's Physician Assistant program Three-time BIG EAST All-Academic team member Athletic Director Honor Roll every semester at MU Involved with MKE Lacrosse, teaching the sport of lacrosse to children in the Milwaukee community, as well as other team service projects.

Samantha Galvinwomen's lacrosse, Sr. (Sandy Spring, Maryland)

Appears in every game with 12 starts at center field 4.0 GPA and earned her bachelor's degree in nursing Athletic Director Honor Roll every semester at MU Three-time BIG EAST All-Academic team selection Involved in MKE Lacrosse and teaches the sport of lacrosse to children in the Milwaukee community and other team service projects.




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