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Flames from Liberty University

Flames from Liberty University


After a highly successful head coaching career at Tyler Junior College that included eleven national championships, Dash Connell has been selected as Liberty's new head women's tennis coach.

Connell, who becomes the sixth head coach in program history, helped Tyler Junior College to six NJCAA Women's Tennis National Championships (2012, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022) and five NJCAA Men's Tennis National Championships (2013, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2024) since taking over the position in 2011.

“We are excited to welcome Dash and his family to Liberty,” said Vice President and Director of Athletics Ian McCaw. “Dash embraces our mission to train champions for Christ and will bring energy and enthusiasm to our women's tennis program. He is an exceptional coach, having won eleven national championships.”

Connell was recently named the 2024 Wilson ITA Men's National Coach of the Year after leading Tyler Junior College to its 18th-place finish.e National Championship. The Apaches also finished the year ranked No. 1 in the final ITA men's tennis national rankings.

Tyler Junior College had six men's players finish the 2023-24 season in the final ITA national doubles rankings, including No. 2 Juan Carlos Garcia and No. 11 Samer Al Tori. The doubles pair of Juan Carlos Garcia and Alex Despoja also finished the year ranked No. 3 in the final ITA national doubles rankings.

The Tyler women's tennis team completed the 2023-24 season ranked No. 3 in the final ITA national rankings after finishing in third place at this year's national championship event.

Tyler Junior College had four nationally ranked players in the final ITA national singles rankings, including No. 4 Natalia Michta and No. 9 Yee Ching Wai. Michta and Ching Wai were also ranked No. 1 doubles in the final ITA national doubles rankings.

“My family and I are absolutely thrilled to join the Liberty University family,” said Connell. “The opportunity to contribute to the already outstanding culture and environment at Liberty, while supporting my student-athletes and my family, is truly unparalleled.

“It is an incredible honor to assist student-athletes both on and off the field,” Connell continued. “With the continued support Liberty provides its athletics teams, I am eager to take the women's tennis program to new heights!”

During his 14 seasons at the helm of the Tyler men's and women's tennis programs, Connell has coached 45 ITA All-America women's players and 47 ITA All-America men's players.

Former Lady Flame Kalani Soli (2018-20, 2022) transferred to Liberty after playing two seasons under Connel at Tyler Junior College (2016-18). Soli posted a 45-15 singles record and a 35-20 record at Liberty.

Connell has been active in the tennis coaching community. He served as president of the NJCAA Women's Tennis Coaches' Association (2015-2017) and is currently president of the NJCAA Men's Tennis Coaches' Association, a position he has held since 2018.

The five-time Wilson/ITA NJCAA National Coach of the Year has also served on the ITA Coaches Operating Committee as one of two national Junior College Presidents since 2017.

Connell's leadership and coaching talents have seen several players go on to high-level institutions for four years after their time at Tyler Junior College.

Apache student-athletes have landed at schools such as: Texas, Texas A&M, Oklahoma State, Mississippi State, Louisville, Oklahoma, Florida State, UCLA, Alabama, Miami, TCU and Tennessee. In all, up to 17 players have signed with a Power 5 school since Connell took over the program in 2011.

Before taking over as head coach at Tyler Junior College, Connell started as an assistant coach at Tyler in 2009 and served as interim head coach during the 2011-12 season.

Connell graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelor's degree in history and was part of the men's tennis program during the 2004 and 2005 seasons. He also completed a master's degree from UT Tyler in health and kinesiology in 2011.

Connell received the Donnelly Award from Billy Jean King in 2003 and later the ITA Arthur Ashe Sportsmanship Award for the junior college level.

Before transferring to Texas A&M, Connell was a standout men's tennis player at Tyler Junior College. He was an NJCAA All-American in doubles in 2003 after finishing the year ranked No. 1 in the country. Dash helped Tyler win the NJCAA national championship in 2002 and 2003.

Connell was born and raised as a tennis player in the state of Texas. He attended Katy Taylor High School, where he was part of two state championship teams, winning the State 5A Doubles Championship in 2001.

Connell earned the Clarence Mabry Award and was named winner of the Art Faust Sportsmanship Award at the Texas Boy's Super 18 Championships.

Born in Katy, Texas, Connell and his wife, Shae, have three sons, Mason, Emerson and Elijah.

Connell Major Career Awards:

  • NJCAA Men's National Team Champion: 2013, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2024
  • NJCAA Men's National Team Runner-up: 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017
  • NJCAA Women's National Team Champion: 2012, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022
  • NJCAA National Women's Team Second Place: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019
  • Wilson/ITA NJCAA National Women's Coach of the Year: 2014, 2019, 2022
  • Wilson/ITA NJCAA National Men's Coach of the Year: 2022, 2024
  • Wilson/ITA NJCAA Region 2 Men's Coach of the Year: 2017, 2019
  • NJCAA Herschel Stephens Award for Service: 2018
  • 2014 USPTA National College Coach of the Year
  • USPTA Texas College Coach of the Year 2013




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