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England fixtures, dates and possible route for the 2024 European Championship in Germany | Football news

England fixtures, dates and possible route for the 2024 European Championship in Germany |  Football news


Follow the matches of Euro 2024 in England, as well as their possible route through the knockout stages of the tournament in Germany.

Who will England play next at Euro 2024?

England will either be the The Netherlands or the third-placed Group E team in the last 16, after securing top spot in Group C with a 0-0 draw against Slovenia.

The Dutch team has developed into one of the four best third-placed teams, despite Tuesday's defeat against Austria.

England's opponents will be confirmed after Wednesday's final group matches, so Gareth Southgate's side will have to wait 24 hours to find out who they will play in Gelsenkirchen on Sunday when they kick off at 5pm UK time.

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Gareth Southgate said fans are entitled to their opinions but hearing boos at the end of a match creates an 'unusual environment' for the team

Before the tournament, England were told they would play a third-placed team from Group D, E or F, but the possible combinations of the best-placed third-place teams in the UEFA guidelines show that there is not an outcome that would see the Three Lions playing an opponent. team from Group F.

By winning Group C, England are now on what will be considered the most favorable side of the draw Spain, Germany, Portugal And France on the other hand.

England's last 16 opponents as it stands

  • The Netherlands or Romania/Belgium/Slovakia/Ukraine

How likely are England to play the Netherlands in the last 16?

As it stands, the four teams currently occupying the best placed third positions remain the same England will be confronted The Netherlands in the last 16.

If there is only one Czech Republic And Georgia win, or both win England would play against the third-placed team from Group E, which would be one of them Belgium, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine.

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Southgate believes the changes his side have made have had a positive effect on the team, with Cole Palmer and Kobbie Mainoo impressing from the bench against Slovenia

If Czech Republic defeat Turkey And Georgia don't beat Portugaland Turkey's goal difference is then greater than -3 England would play against the third-placed team from Group E, which would be one of them Belgium, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine.

If Czech Republic defeat Turkey And Georgia not to beat Portugal and Turkey's goal difference is therefore lower than -3 England will play The Netherlands in the last 16.

If Czech Republic And Georgia both then fail to win England will play The Netherlands in the last 16.

If both final matches in Group E do not end in a draw, and the third-placed team has a worse negative goal difference than -3 – and a team from Group F qualifies as a third-placed team, then England will be confronted with the The Netherlands in the last 16.

How are the top four third-placed teams determined?

According to UEFA regulations, the following criteria are applied, in the order indicated:

– Higher number of points
– Superior goal difference
– Higher number of goals scored
– Higher number of wins
– Lower disciplinary point total based on yellow and red cards received by players and team officials in group matches (red card = 3 points, yellow card = 1 point, expulsion for two yellow cards in one match = 3 points)
– Position in the overall ranking of the European qualifying tournaments or, if host country Germany is involved, draw

Who could play England in the quarter-finals?

If England win their round of 16, they will play the winners of Saturday's round of 16: Switzerland And Italy in Berlin on Saturday, July 6.

Should England reach the last four, they would play in a semi-final on Wednesday, July 10. Spain, Portugal, Germany or France they would get so far in that semi-final.

The final is on Sunday, July 14.

State of play European Championship 2024 knockout phase

Saturday June 29
37 Germany vs Denmark (Dortmund, kick-off 8pm UK time)
38 Switzerland versus Italy (Berlin, kick-off 5pm UK time).

Sunday June 30
39 Spain vs Third placed group A/D/E/F (Cologne, kick-off 8pm UK time)
40 England vs Third placed group D/E/F (Gelsenkirchen, kick-off 5pm UK time).

Monday July 1
41 Portugal in return for Third place Group A/B/C (Frankfurt, kick-off 8pm UK time)
42 France in return for Second place Group E (Düsseldorf, kick-off 5pm UK time).

Tuesday July 2
43 Group E winners in return for Third placed group A/B/C/D (Munich, kick-off 5pm UK time)
44 Austria vs Second place Group F (Leipzig, kick-off 8pm UK time)

Rest days on July 3 and 4


Friday July 5
45 Spain or the Winners of game 39 vs Germany or Denmark (Stuttgart, kick-off 5pm UK time)
46 Portugal or the Winners of Game 41 vs France or the Winners of game 42 (Hamburg, kick-off 8pm UK time).

Saturday July 6
47 Winners of Game 43 vs Austria or the Game 44 winners (Berlin, kick-off 8pm UK time)
48 England or the Game 40 winners in return for Switzerland or Italy (Dusseldorf, kick-off 5pm UK time)

Rest days on July 7 and 8


Tuesday July 9
49 Spain / The Winners of game 39/Germany/Denmark vs Portugal/The winners of game 41/ France/The winners of game 42 (Munich, kick-off 8pm UK time)

Wednesday July 10
50 Winners of game 43/Austria/The winners of game 44 in return for England/The winners of Game 40/Switzerland/Italy (Dortmund, kick-off 8pm UK time)

Rest days on July 11, 12 and 13

European Championship 2024 final

Sunday July 14th
Winners of game 49 vs Winners of game 50 (Berlin, kick-off 8pm UK time)




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