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Mitchell Marsh's hilarious quote on Afghanistan rainstring T20 World Cup, Gulbadin Naib hamstring injury, Afghanistan cricket, latest, updates

Mitchell Marsh's hilarious quote on Afghanistan rainstring T20 World Cup, Gulbadin Naib hamstring injury, Afghanistan cricket, latest, updates


Mitchell Marsh labeled Gulbadin Naib's infamous rain-string injury as one of the funniest things he had seen on a cricket field, as the Afghanistan bowler is set to play in the country's first-ever T20 World Cup semi-final.

Afghanistan defeated Bangladesh in a thrilling eight-run win to knock Australia out of the tournament, but the match could have been concluded earlier and in highly controversial fashion.

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With rain fast approaching and narrowly advancing under the DLS system, Afghanistan coach and former England international Jonathan Trott signaled to his troops to slow down the game.

Almost immediately, Gulbadin, who was at first slip, fell to the turf holding his hamstring.

The heavens then opened as the match was stopped when Australian Adam Zampa referred to Gulbadin's supposed injury as the old rain thong.

Play resumed as Afghanistan eventually won and booked a place in the last four.

While there may have been frustration among the Aussie camp at the time, Marsh was able to look back on the incident with a humorous perspective.

I was almost in tears laughing and at the end of the day it didn't affect the game. Marsh said, per

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So we can laugh about it now, but gee, it was funny. It was excellent.

Gulbadin himself also commented on teammate Naveen Ul Haq's Instagram post and wrote: Hey buddy, my hamstrings aren't feeling well, along with a laughing emoji.

The Afghan bowler also posted an Instagram story along with team physio Prasanth Panchada with the caption: Wonders can happen.

Gulbadin will be hoping to play a leading role when Afghanistan take on South Africa in the semi-finals on Thursday, June 27, with play starting at 10:30am (AEST).




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