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Gilardi named assistant coach of the U.S. U20 men's national team

Gilardi named assistant coach of the U.S. U20 men's national team


SPARKS, Md. Stony Brook men's lacrosse head coach Anthony Gilardi was named to the coaching staff of the 2024 U.S. U20 Men's National Team, which will represent the United States at the world championships in Seogwipo, South Korea, next summer. Gilardi will serve as an assistant coach on Shawn Nadelen's staff along with Connor Buczek and Ryan McClay.

“There is no higher honor than representing your country,” Gilardi said. “I'm really looking forward to having the opportunity to wear the red, white and blue with a great coaching staff. We look forward to coaching a great group of young men in South Korea next summer.”

Gilardi, a former member of Nadelen's staff at Towson, completed his fifth season as head coach of the Stony Brook men's lacrosse program in 2024. He led the Seawolves to the CAA Championship Game in 2023, the team's first season as a member of the league. .

Under Gilardi's leadership, 22 student-athletes have earned all-conference recognition over the past four seasons. He also played a crucial role in relief efforts Dylan Ballonetti become the first student-athlete in America East history to win both Player of the Year and Rookie of the Year honors in the same season in 2021.

Before Stony Brook, Gilardi spent eight seasons at Towson under Nadelen. He helped the Tigers to five CAA championships and NCAA tournament appearances, as well as a Final Four berth in 2017. In 2019, the team made program history, earning a No. 1 ranking in the national polls for the first time. In his role, Gilardi was the brains behind Towson's offense as offensive coordinator.

Gilardi previously served as an assistant coach at the United States Naval Academy, Ohio State and Denison. He helped Navy and Ohio State reach the NCAA tournament during his time as an assistant. Gilardi played collegiately at Ohio State from 2000-04. He was a three-year starter, a two-time All-GWLL selection and a team captain his senior season. After graduation, he signed a free-agent contract with the Long Island Lizards of Major League Lacrosse and began his coaching career as a volunteer assistant coach with the Buckeyes.

The 2025 U.S. U20 Men's National Team will begin its on-court activities with a three-day tryout June 28-30 at USA Lacrosse headquarters. The team will have additional training camps in the run-up to the World Championships in Korea from July 18 to 27, 2025.

About American lacrosse
USA Lacrosse, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is a recognized sports organization of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee. As the governing body for men's and women's lacrosse in the United States, USA Lacrosse leads the U.S. National Teams Program and sets universal standards. With more than 400,000 members nationwide, USA Lacrosse unites the community of players, coaches, officials, parents and program leaders. By working together, we inspire participation, enrich the athlete experience and support the growth of the sport.

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