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Emma Raducanu vs Jessica Pegula LIVE: Tennis score and latest updates from Eastbourne


Emma Raducanu impressed by beating Sloane Stephens
Emma Raducanu impressed by beating Sloane Stephens (Andrew Matthews/PA Wire)

Emma Raducanu takes on Jessica Pegula in Eastbourne today as the 21-year-old Brit continues her preparation towards Wimbledon.

Raducanu was a convincing winner yesterday as she defeated fellow US Open champion, Sloane Stephens, in her first grass match of the season, winning 6-4, 6-0. She then wrote My Own Pace on a TV camera in a message to critics after turning down a place at the upcoming Paris Olympics.

Raducanus' victory added to what has been a strong start to the summer for young British players such as Katie Boulter and Jack Draper. However, Pegula will be a bigger challenge after lifting the trophy in Berlin earlier this month, and the second seed will be set to take a beating at Devonshire Park.

Raducanu vs. Pegula is the second match on Center Court and follows the conclusion of Boulter's meeting with Jelena Ostapenko. Follow the scores and latest updates from Eastbourne below.


Emma Raducanu* 4-5 Jessica Pegula – PAUSE

Raducanu struggles with control in this match, and after being on the back foot at the start and breaking twice, she now dictates the game with ease.

This is a complete reversal of roles. Pegula pulls back a point to 30-15. Raducanu double faults and Pegula has a break point, and she takes it!

That's a shame, Raducanus' serve failed her and she has now been broken three times.

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:36 PM


Emma Raducanu 4-4 Jessica Pegula* – BREAK

Pegula starts to make some mistakes while Raducanu continues to try to alternate her returns and stroke play.

Raducanu fights back and plays some stunning basic shots to set up a winner, and she has really grown into the match. 30-30.

Raducanu finds a break point, and she takes it! Pegula hits the ball into the net and Raducanu celebrates a fist dance.

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:31 PM


Emma Raducanu* 3-4 Jessica Pegula

Raducanu has to hold her ground here and she leads 30-0 with a second ace! But a double fault gives Pegula a point back.

Pegula makes a long return and Raducanu has a chance to hold at 40-15. She takes it! There was a bit of fortune from the net, but she fights back in this set.

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:26 PM


Emma Raducanu 2-4 Jessica Pegula* – BREAK

Pegula wins the first point with her serve. Raducanu is having a hard time here, Pegula is timing the ball so sweetly.

But it was 15-15 after a double fault from Pegula, and the American followed with a wild overhit forehand.

Raducanu has a breaking point! She plays the ball well all over the court and wins the point with a forehand down the line.

However, she can't convert and it's deuce. Raducanu has a lucky shot and another break point! The ball bounced off the net and landed on the other side of the court.

Once again the break chance is saved with a big serve from Pegula, and Raducanu has played a stunning return for a third break point.

Raducanu breaks back with the best point of the match! That was played all over the field and Raducanu volleyed to break back!

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:23 PM


Emma Raducanu* 1-4 Jessica Pegula – PAUSE

Pegula wins the first point of Raducanus' service game, and the Brit misses the next point and hits a forehand into the net.

And Pegula creates three break points with a returning forehand winner down the line, taking the game with love.

That's Pegula's second break!

Sonia TwiggJune 26, 2024 3:17 PM


Emma Raducanu 1-3 Jessica Pegula*

Raducanu had cleverly created a chance with a slice winner, but missed the backhand down the line, and Pegula follows this up with a backhand winner to take a 30-0 lead.

Pegula fires an ace down the middle to take a 40-0 lead, holding on to love.

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:14 PM


Emma Raducanu* 1-2 Jessica Pegula

Raducanu starts her second service game with her first ace of the day.

The Brit tried to change the spin of the ball, and it worked for her. Pegula plays the ball into the net, Raducanu leads 30-0.

But on the next shot she makes a mistake with a skipped backhand, giving Pegula a way back into the match.

Raducanu takes the lead a little further with a big overhead blow, but again Pegula's powerful strike keeps her only a point behind with a forehand across the court, but the British player holds on.

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:11 PM


Emma Raducanu 0-2 Jessica Pegula*

Pegula plays a stunning backhand down the line to win the first point of her serve and quickly takes the lead 30-0.

Raducanu hits a backhand into the net and Pegula has a chance to hold the love, which she takes with an ace!

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:06 PM


Emma Raducanu* 0-1 Jessica Pegula – BREAK

Raducanu is the first to serve and comfortably moves to a 30-15 lead.

But Pegula gets a good connection on the return and comes back to the same level.

Just a reminder that it's warm in Eastbourne, and Pegula has opted for a long-sleeved outfit.

Raducanu takes the lead 40-30 when Pegula hits one into the net, and that's a chance to gain some early traction in this match. She misses an attempted ace up the middle and double faults to take the game to deuce.

Pegula fought back and set an early break point, and took it.

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:04 PM


Emma Raducanu vs. Jessica Pegula

The players are on the field and the match is about to start

Sonia TwigJune 26, 2024 3:00 PM




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