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Britain leads Eurogroup but disappoints again in stalemate in Slovenia

Britain leads Eurogroup but disappoints again in stalemate in Slovenia


England manager Gareth Southgate faced boos and beer cups thrown by his own fans despite his team topping Group C, while Slovenia also advanced to the knockout stages of Euro 2024 thanks to a 0-0 draw in Cologne . The Three Lions were already assured of a place in the last 16 but can expect more criticism after failing to improve on their disappointing performance to get past Serbia and draw with Denmark. “I understand they're not happy with me, that's the reality. I'm not going to shy away from that. I need them behind the team,” Southgate said of the supporters' reaction.

“I didn't want to shy away from thanking people for coming and supporting me, but I know this is causing a problem for the group.”

England will have to wait until Wednesday's final group matches to find out which of the top four third-placed teams they will play in the last 16.

But more questions will arise over the ability of one of the favorites to end the 58-year wait for glory in a major tournament as a star line in attack was eliminated by Slovenia.

“I thought we played a lot better than the other games. Not only were we able to find that finish but we're looking forward to the next one,” said England captain Harry Kane.

Southgate made a statement with his team selection and resisted calls to make massive changes as Conor Gallagher replaced Trent Alexander-Arnold in the only change made in the opening two games.

If the England manager had hoped that the other ten players, who started all three matches in Germany, would have confidence in the match, he was disappointed.

Slovenia are now on a nine-match unbeaten run, including a 2-0 win over Portugal in a pre-tournament friendly.

Declan Rice identified Benjamin Sesko as their big threat on Monday.

Sesko could have lined up alongside Rice at Arsenal next season had he not shied away from interest in extending his contract with RB Leipzig.

The 21-year-old shook off a thigh injury at the start and had the first chance of the match when he headed tamely at Jordan Pickford after four minutes.

Slovenian celebrations

It took 20 minutes for England to pose a serious threat and only the offside flag denied them a slick opening goal.

Rice picked up Phil Foden's point but the Manchester City midfielder had strayed past the Slovenian defense before he could tap home Bukayo Saka.

Southgate came into action at half-time when Gallagher was replaced by Kobbie Mainoo.

The 19-year-old added much-needed impetus to England's midfield, but they still struggled to convert dominance in possession into opportunities.

Kane saw Sesko's header cleared from a corner and Rice flashed a shot wide from the edge of the penalty area.

Southgate answered the call to give Cole Palmer his first minutes of the tournament in the final 20 minutes.

The Chelsea midfielder, who has scored 26 goals at club level this season, had England's only shot on target in the second half but failed to seriously test veteran goalkeeper Jan Oblak.

A point was celebrated with jubilation by the Slovenians, as it was enough to move up to one of the best third-placed teams thanks to three draws in their three games.

Matjaz Kek's men missed out on second place in the group solely due to Denmark's better disciplinary record.

“I didn't expect to go into the knockout phase,” said Kek. “But we showed with our play that we deserve to be here and go into the knockouts against one of the favorites of the tournament.”

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