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JMU earns No. 77 finish in LEARFIELD Directors Cup standings

JMU earns No. 77 finish in LEARFIELD Directors Cup standings


HARRISONBURG, Va. In his second year as a member of the Sun Belt Conference, James Madison posted the league's highest score in the LEARFIELD Director's Cup, placing 77e in the final rankings of all NCAA Division I athletic programs in the annual Measurement of Qualification and Progression in NCAA Championships.

The number 77 ranking was the second best mark of the past 25 years, behind only 67eplace finish in 2020-2021 in the CoVID-shortened competitive year, which saw the Dukes reach the semifinals in both FCS football and the Women's College World Series. The highest mark before that was 1999-2000 in Jeff Bourne's first year as JMU director of athletics. JMU finished at 64e that season in which the department sponsored 27 sports, compared to the current offering of 18.

In the Sun Belt, JMU led the way at No. 77 and was followed by Arkansas State at No. 89e and Texas State at No. 103. Those top three were followed by Old Dominion (108), South Alabama (112), Coastal Carolina (123), Louisiana (136), Marshall (145), Georgia State (164), Southern Mississippi ( 177), Appalachian State (178), Georgia Southern (262), Troy (262) and ULM (301). The league score was increased by a record 12 teams participating in bowl games. The league also wrapped up the spring with four teams in baseball and three teams in softball all finishing second in a regional.

A total of seven sports contributed to the Director's Cup points for JMU, representing the most different sports scoring points in a single year since at least 2000–2001, for which full detailed data is not available. Men's football led the way with 64 points to reach the round of 16 in the field of 48 teams. Lacrosse earned 53 points to advance to the round of 16 in the 29-team field. Baseball and men's basketball each contributed 50 points to reach the round of 32. Football added 25 points for its first bowl game appearance, while women's soccer and volleyball each qualified for NCAA with at-large bids to earn 25 points. JMU was the only school in the nation to qualify for NCAA in each of the sports listed: men's soccer, women's soccer, volleyball, football, men's basketball, women's lacrosse and baseball.

Overall, JMU ranked third among the Group of Five schools with SMU 54e in his final year before joining the ACC and Air Force, one spot ahead of JMU at age 76e. The Dukes were also 13e of all institutions outside the Power 5. Of the twelve coming institutions, five represent Ivy League schools, each offering between 33 and 42 sports (Harvard 29).ePrinceton34ePenn52NLCornel 71stYale72NL). Big East schools Georgetown (53) and Villanova (73) also placed in the top 75. Denver placed 46the with major points in hockey, skiing and gymnastics; Northern Arizona 70e with top national programs in cross country and track and field; and Grand Canyon with two-thirds of its points in the spring, including a semifinal appearance in men's volleyball.




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