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Utah Hockey Club signs 'Spicy Tuna' Liam O'Brien

Utah Hockey Club signs 'Spicy Tuna' Liam O'Brien


Liam O'Brien makes bold predictions: I can see us in that play-off picture soon.

Arizona Coyotes center Liam O'Brien celebrates his goal against the Winnipeg Jets during the second period of an NHL hockey game on Saturday, November 4, 2023 in Tempe, Ariz. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

The Utah Hockey Club went fishing on the free agency market and landed their own tuna.

Liam O'Brien, the man who emphatically introduced himself to fans as Spicy Tuna in April, signs a three-year contract to play in Salt Lake City.

The forward played in Arizona with the Coyotes in recent seasons, but now Utah has its first big personality as a fan base. O'Brien can go from talking about his love of hitting people to caring for his newborn in a matter of minutes.

And he's not averse to making bold predictions along the way.

I can see us in that playoff picture soon, O'Brien said of Utah's early hockey prospects.

OBrien had no doubt that he would eventually end up in Utah. Many of his teammates in Arizona have already begun the process of moving to Salt Lake, he said.

But now O'Brien can officially ingratiate himself with the fanbase. Salt Lake got a taste of his personality when he stood up in front of the Delta Center and shouted for fans to call me Spicy Tuna. A chant soon broke out in which the Canadian serenaded with his nickname.

On social media, OBrien is simply referred to as the official Big Tuna.

He was happy to explain the backstory of the nicknames. It first started when he was a rookie playing in Hershey, Penn. A defenseman, Nate Schmidt, came in one day and started saying it.

Came into the room and started calling me tuna, he said. “And everyone loved it. Coaches started mentioning it to me.

The name evolved into Spicy Tuna and then just Spicy. Ironically, O'Brien revealed in Arizona that he was allergic to tuna and tries to stop eating it.

Now some in the locker room call him Obi.

OBrien combined the nicknames with his physicality on the ice. Last year he had more than 200 hits, good for the top 15 in the NHL.

[Hitting somebody] is the best feeling in the world, he said, smiling. And the second best feeling in the world is getting hit and it wakes you up. And you say, okay, now I have to run someone.

O'Brien still lives in Arizona, but is considering a move to Salt Lake. His family just welcomed their first child, a daughter named Leilani Eva. Before the season starts, he plans to take her home to his family in Canada.

After that, he will begin building hockey in Utah.

It's still really fresh. As far as the property goes, it really was top class. That's really refreshing for us as players, he said. …Super excited to bring my family to Utah. A really good place to be and a really good place to raise a family.

He will be present at schools and other youth events to grow the game in the state.

In the meantime, the man with the nickname is waiting for the name of the team.

Stay patient, it will come, he said.

But now he is settling into his new home. Utah is where he wants to be. It's only a matter of time, he thinks, before the state embraces Spicy Tuna.

I knew I wanted to stay, he said. The group we have, we're very close. We've been through a lot together. There was no doubt. I knew I wanted to be in Utah.

I look forward to bringing hockey to Utah and introducing a strong hockey culture here.




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