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Fifty-five Terps earn Big Ten Distinguished Scholar Honors

Fifty-five Terps earn Big Ten Distinguished Scholar Honors


ROSEMONT, IL The Big Ten Conference announced that 55 Maryland student-athletes who participated in intercollegiate athletics were named Big Ten Distinguished Scholar Award recipients for 2023-2024.

The list includes student-athletes from 15 different teams who achieved a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.7 or higher during the past academic year.

Big Ten faculty representatives established the Distinguished Scholar Award in 2008 to complement the Academic All-Big Ten program. As with Academic All-Big Ten honors, recipients of the Distinguished Scholar Award must be letterwinners in at least their second academic year at their institution. However, the Distinguished Scholar Award only includes students with a minimum GPA of 3.7 or higher for the previous academic year, excluding summer school. The Academic All-Big Ten threshold is a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for a student's academic career.


Luke Zeisloft Basketball So. Biology Bloomsburg, PA
Reese Delp Field hockey So. Economy Kensington, MD
Nathalie Fiechter Field hockey Sr. Criminal law Zwolle, Netherlands
Ryne Acheson Football So. Computer technology Potomac, MD
Ethan Gough Football jr. Criminology and criminal law Owings, MD
AnPhi Le Women's golf So. Information sciences Frederick, MD
Tasha Brozowski Gymnastics jr. Public Health Sciences Anger, NC
Victoria Gatzendorfer Gymnastics Sr. Management Marvin, NC
Samantha Gilbert Gymnastics Sr. Criminal law Hamden, CT
Sierra Kondo Gymnastics Sr. Biological Sciences Saratoga Springs, NY
Rhea LeBlanc Gymnastics jr. Communication Waltham, MA
Taylor Rec Gymnastics So. Human development Milton, GA
Alexa Rothenbüscher Gymnastics Gr. Public health sciences Fairfax, VA
Emma Silverman Gymnastics Gr. Special education New Hope, PA
Olivia Weir Gymnastics Sr. Kinesiology Garnett Valley, PA
Eliot Dubick Men's lacrosse So. Marketing Potomac, MD
Shea Keethler Men's lacrosse Jr. Finances Upper Arlington, OH
Marco Signorello Men's lacrosse So. Letters and Sciences Leesburg, VA
Shaylan Ahearn Women's lacrosse Gr. Psychology Woodbine, MD
Julia Hammerschlag Women's lacrosse sr. Criminal law Baltimore, MD
Victoria Hensh Women's Lacrosse Gr. Marketing analysis Woodstock, MD
Brianna Lamoureux Women's lacrosse Gr. Marketing analysis Rocky Point, NC
Libby May Women's lacrosse Gr. French Sparks, MD
Aiden Peduzzi Women's lacrosse Gr. Technology and entrepreneurship New Market, MD
Jaylen Rosga Women's lacrosse So. Finances St. Paul, Minnesota
Kate sites Women's lacrosse Gr. Security and terrorism Glenelg, MD
Shannon Smith Women's lacrosse Sr. Kinesiology Phoenix, MD
Emily Sterling Women's lacrosse Gr. Health management Bel Air, MD
Maddy Sterling Women's lacrosse jr. Criminal law Bel Air, MD
Seungeon Kim Men's football sr. Infoscience Seoul, South Korea
Symone Jenson Women's football So. Fire protection technology Glenelg, MD
Halle Johnson Women's football jr. Communication Bethesda, MD
Ava Morales Women's football So. Nutrition and nutritional sciences Clarksville, MD
Kelsey Smith Women's football So. Community Health Elkridge, MD
Michaela Jones Softball Sr. Marketing New Palestine, IN
Little MacFarlane Softball Gr. Fysical activity Rocklin, CA
Jaeda McFarland Softball Sr. Bookkeeping Orange Park, FL
Megan Mikami Softball Sr. Marketing Irvine, CA
Tilt Liu Tennis Jr. Business management Woodstock, MD
Selma Cadar Tennis Gr. Kinesiology Bucharest, Romania J
Eric Albright Men's athletics Jr. Mechanical engineering Glen Mills, PA
Peter Capozzoli Men's athletics Sr. Aerospace Engineering Bel Air, MD
Bryce Middleton Men's athletics Sr. Information sciences Germantown, MD
Kamari Trotz Men's athletics Sr. Information sciences Greenbelt, MD
Brandon Turpin Men's athletics Sr. Art studio Bowie, MD
Annahotel Women's athletics So. Kinesiology Timonium, MD
Jayla Bynum Women's athletics Sr. Sociology Hutchinson, KS
Madison Depriy Women's athletics Sr. French Zilverveer, MD
Amanda Eliker Women's athletics sr. Public health sciences Elkridge, MD
Kirstin Nichols Women's athletics Sr. Journalism Crofton, MD
Jessica Sutter Women's athletics Sr. Environmental horticulture Hillsborough, NJ
Kayla Bos Women's athletics So. Community planning Wilmington, DE
Sophia Zell Women's athletics Sr. Mechanical engineering Severna Park, MD
Erin Angel Volley-ball jr. Community Health Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Tommy the head Wrestling sr. Government and politics Waxhaw, NC
Sam O'Brian Wrestling jr. English and literature Damascus, MD




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