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UVA Darden Dean Scott Beardsley plays to win – Darden Report Online

UVA Darden Dean Scott Beardsley plays to win – Darden Report Online


At age 61, University of Virginia Darden School of Business Dean Scott Beardsley made history this month by reportedly becoming the oldest University of Oxford student-athlete ever selected to play in a historic tennis rivalry dating back to 1890 between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Beardsley, a tennis player and active supporter of the UVA tennis program, didn't just join in. He won the deciding singles match in a grueling thriller in the heat, coming from behind after losing the first set 6-4 and surviving the third set tiebreaker 11-9, to win his Oxford University Lawn Tennis Club team to victory against Cambridge University Lawn Tennis Club in the 134e Tennis Varsity the teams for the first time since 2019.

Tennis has always brought me great joy, and I believe it is important in life to pursue your passions, Beardsley said. If I can inspire anyone over 50 to pursue their passions and keep moving and learning, that would be success for me.

Two men with tennis rackets.

Dean Scott Beardsley with team captain Tillmann Willett.

Beardsley has been in Oxford in recent weeks working on his dissertation on the intersection of artificial intelligence, ethics and well-being, a course of study he completed at Oxford's Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics and Pembroke College during a six-month sabbatical last fall. He auditioned for the university's tennis team during the sabbatical and was selected for the m5 team. He rejoined the team earlier in June and was selected for the annual Varsity rivalry match against Cambridge.

Tennis is a metaphor for life that offers many lessons, and I try to apply them as I work to reach my full potential, he said. Whether it's in the Deans suite or on the tennis court, the most important thing is to play hard and represent my team well. It was a privilege and so much fun to play with my Oxford teammates.

By continuing his education at Oxford, Beardsley hopes to model lifelong learning and better understand how artificial intelligence can align with human ethics and be put at the service of humanity, two areas that are purposefully linked with important gifts of Darden, the Sands Institute for Lifelong Learning and a recent transformational gift from the LaCross family for AI. (See this question and answer.)

Beardsley also applies lifelong learning to tennis. In high school, he was an Alaska tennis singles champion. He then played as a student at Tufts University. In the years since, he has turned to tennis for health, balance, fun and life lessons, and to build relationships.

Since arriving at UVA in 2015, Beardsley has been involved with UVA Men's Tennis. He also organizes an annual tennis tournament for Darden faculty, staff and students at the Boars Head Sports Club.

Andres Pedroso, UVA director of tennis and two-time NCAA DI championship head men's coach, co-teaches the Maximizing Leadership Potential in Sports and Business course with Beardsley. Taught at Beardsley's lawn residence, Pavilion I, the course explores the UVA tennis pyramid of player, athlete and person and explores books such as The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance by W. Timothy Gallwey.

While a senior partner at McKinsey & Company in Belgium, Beardsley trained with professional tennis player Cdric Mlot. In 2021, Beardsley was runner-up in the Belgian Association Francophone de Tennis (AFT) 55+ National Championship and has played multiple times at the ITF World Senior Championships. He trains in Charlottesville at Keswick with pro Tristan Venables and at Boars Head.




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