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Avery Nowak earns MVC Postdoctoral Scholarship

Avery Nowak earns MVC Postdoctoral Scholarship


NASHVILLE, Belmont University graduate, women's soccer Avery Nowak was named a 2024 Missouri Valley Conference Postdoctoral Scholarship recipient, the league office announced Wednesday.

Nowak graduated from Belmont in December 2023 with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, with a 3.97 grade point average. The Oviedo, Florida native is Belmont's all-time leader in games played (82) and starts (79).

She started all 19 games for the Bruins this past season, recording a team-high four assists and being named to the 2023 MVC All-Tournament Team. The midfielder was also named to the 2019 Ohio Valley Conference All-Newcomer Team.

Nowak earned her second career College Sports Communicators (CSC) Academic All-District Team selection in 2023. She was named to the 2023 MVC Women's Soccer Scholar-Athlete Team and earned the MVC Board of Directors Academic Award.

Nowak will pursue a physician assistant master's degree in medicine at Trevecca Nazarene University.

Nowak's recipients of the MVC Postgraduate Scholarship included Missouri State's Lily DeSpain (women's swimming and diving); John Stillman of Bradley (men's golf); and Tijana Zlatanovic of Illinois State (women's tennis).

To be eligible, recipients must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.40, have competed with distinction in a Missouri Valley Conference championship sport at the nominating institution for at least two seasons, and must have completed within 18 months graduate from their institution. after selection during the spring meetings of the Faculty Athletics Representative Committee.

In addition, recipients must be accepted for postgraduate studies at an institution of higher education at the time of receipt of the scholarship. Recipients must also be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics in the academic year in which they are nominated.

Follow Belmont women's soccer on social media –@BelmontWSocceron Twitter,@belmontwsocceron Instagram and@belmontWsocceron Facebook – for complete coverage of the Bruins. Stay up to date with all of Belmont's sports programs via theofficial app of the Belmont BruinsAvailable both in the Apple App Store and Google Play.





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