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Men's basketball opens the 2024-2025 season at Marquette Challenge

Men's basketball opens the 2024-2025 season at Marquette Challenge


PRINCETON, NJ Stony Brook men's basketball opens the 2024-2025 season on Nov. 4 in Marquette as part of the Marquette Challenge.

In the three-game round-robin tournament, the Seawolves will next travel to Central Michigan on Nov. 7 before concluding the multi-team event with a visit to George Mason on Nov. 11.The Seawolves will face both Marquette and Central Michigan for the first time in program history. The meeting with George Mason will be the second in program history.

The remainder of Stony Brook's 2024-2025 non-conference schedule will be announced at a later date.

Marquette: The Golden Eagles won a whopping 27 games in the 2023-24 season and reached their first Sweet 16 since 2012-13. Shaka Smart leads Marquette in his fourth season and is in charge of six of the team's eight leading scorers from last season.

George Mason: Tony Skinn begins his 2nd year with George Mason as head coach. Skinn led George Mason to 20 regular season wins for the first time since 2011-12 and a top 100 ranking for the first time since 2010-11. Those 20 wins were the fifth-most wins nationally among programs led by a first-time head coach and tied for the second-most in school history by a first-year Mason head coach. Heading into next season, the Patriots' 2024-25 transfer class ranks 57th nationally, according to

Central Michigan: Tony Barbee begins his fourth season leading the Chippewas. Central Michigan's 12 Mid-American Conference victories were the most since the 2014-15 season. The Chippewas finished fourth in the standings after being picked to finish 12th out of 12 teams. The Chippewas finished their season winning 10 of the last 15 games, including a five-game win streak.

Stony stream: Gen Ford enters his sixth season as Stony Brook's Head Coach, following a 20-win season in 2023-2024. Ford led the Seawolves to the CAA Tournament finals last season, taking Nos. 2 and 3 in the rankings before ultimately falling to top-seeded College of Charleston in overtime.

Below you will find the full schedule of the event:

Monday November 4:
Stony Brook at Marquette

Thursday November 7:
Stony Brook in Central Michigan

Friday November 8:
George Mason at Marquette (at the Al McGuire Center)

Monday November 11:
Central Michigan in Marquette
Stony Brook at George Mason

Wednesday, November 13:
Central Michigan at George Mason

About the Gazelle Group
The Gazelle Group is a sports marketing company specializing in event production and management, client representation and sponsorship consulting. Gazelle produces numerous nationally recognized college sporting events, such as the Empire Classic, Legends Classic, the Gotham Classic, the Sunshine Slam, the College Basketball Invitational, the Kwik Trip Holiday Face-Off, the Barstool Sports Invitational, the Boardwalk Battle and the Jersey Jam, as well as events on campus at Duke, Kentucky, Ohio State, Marquette and other institutions across the country. For more information about the Gazelle Group, visit

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